Source code for qubiter.CGateExpander

from qubiter.CGateSEO_writer import *
from qubiter.SEO_reader import *

[docs]class CGateExpander(SEO_reader): """ Qubiter English and Picture files allow single lines that represent U(2) matrices of numerous types with 0, 1 or multiple controls of either the n or nbar kind. If we say a gate is controlled, it may have 1 or more controls (it might be singly or multiply controlled). This class is a child of SEO_reader. The class reads any previously created Qubiter English file and it writes new English & Picture files wherein every line of the original English file is expanded into a sequence of (1) single qubit rotations and (2) simple CNOTs. Such a class is useful because many quantum computers (for example, IBM Quantum Experience) can only do (1) and (2). If the input English file has file_prefix as file prefix, then the output English & Picture files have as file prefix file_prefix + '_X1', assuming that '_X' + str(k) for some integer k is not already the ending of file_prefix. If it is, then the ending is changed to '_X' + str( k+1). Global phase factors are ignored, so expansions equal the original line up to a phase factor. You can get a count of the number of CNOTs in the expanded file by creating an object of the class SEO_reader. Attributes ---------- wr : CGateSEO_writer This object of CGateSEO_writer, created in the class constructor, is called inside every use_ function to do some writing in the output files. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int Returns ------- """ # temporary embedder emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) out_file_prefix = SEO_reader.xed_file_prefix(file_prefix) self.wr = CGateSEO_writer(out_file_prefix, emb, one_line=False, expand_1c_u2=True) SEO_reader.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs) self.wr.close_files()
[docs] def two_embs_for_c_qbit_swap(self, bit1, bit2, controls): """ This internal function returns two CktEmbedder objects called emb0, emb1 that are used to write an expansion for a controlled swap of bits bit1, bit2. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls Returns ------- (CktEmbedder, CktEmbedder) """ num_trols = len(controls.kinds) num_qbits_bef = num_trols + 2 num_qbits_aft = self.num_qbits bit_map0 = [0]*num_qbits_bef for k in range(num_trols): bit_map0[k] = controls.bit_pos[num_trols-k-1] bit_map0[-2] = bit2 bit_map0[-1] = bit1 bit_map1 = bit_map0.copy() bit_map1[-2] = bit1 bit_map1[-1] = bit2 emb0 = CktEmbedder(num_qbits_bef, num_qbits_aft, bit_map0) emb1 = CktEmbedder(num_qbits_bef, num_qbits_aft, bit_map1) return emb0, emb1
[docs] def emb_for_c_u2(self, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This internal function returns a CktEmbedder object called emb that is used to write an expansion for a controlled U(2) matrix with target at tar_bit_pos. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- CktEmbedder """ num_trols = len(controls.kinds) num_qbits_bef = num_trols + 1 num_qbits_aft = self.num_qbits bit_map = [0]*num_qbits_bef for k in range(num_trols): bit_map[k] = controls.bit_pos[num_trols-k-1] bit_map[-1] = tar_bit_pos emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits_bef, num_qbits_aft, bit_map) return emb
[docs] def write_gate_name(self, name, num_trols): """ This function is used solely in the verbose mode. It announces with a NOTA comment line the beginning of a gate expansion. Parameters ---------- name : str num_trols : int Returns ------- None """ skip0 = num_trols == 0 and not name == "SWAP" skip1 = num_trols == 1 and name == "SIGX" if skip0 or skip1: pass else: if self.verbose: self.wr.write_NOTA('--------expansion of ' + name)
[docs] def use_DIAG(self, trols, rad_angles): """ Returns error message if input circuit contains diagonal unitaries DIAG. Parameters ---------- trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- """ assert False, "This circuit contains diagonal unitaries DIAG." \ "You should expand them first using class DiagUnitaryExpander"
[docs] def use_HAD2(self, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a HAD2 line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.write_gate_name("HAD2", len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) self.wr.write(controls.kinds, OneQubitGate.had2)
[docs] def use_IF_M_beg(self, controls): """ This function echoes IF_M_beg line. Parameters ---------- controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_IF_M_beg(controls)
[docs] def use_IF_M_end(self): """ This function echoes IF_M_end line Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_IF_M_end()
[docs] def use_LOOP(self, loop_num, nreps): """ This function echoes a LOOP line; i.e., it transcribes the line from the input English file to the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int nreps : int Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_LOOP(loop_num, nreps)
[docs] def use_MEAS(self, tar_bit_pos, kind): """ This function echoes a MEAS line; i.e., it transcribes the line from the input English file to the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- kind : int tar_bit_pos : int Returns ------- None """ self.wr.emb = CktEmbedder(self.num_qbits, self.num_qbits) # print("----", tar_bit_pos, self.wr.emb.bit_map) self.wr.write_MEAS(tar_bit_pos, kind)
[docs] def use_MP_Y(self, tar_bit_pos, trols, rad_angles): """ Returns error message if input circuit contains multiplexors MP_Y. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- """ assert False, "This circuit contains multiplexors." \ "You should expand them first using class MultiplexorExpander"
[docs] def use_NEXT(self, loop_num): """ This function echoes a NEXT line; i.e., it transcribes the line from the input English file to the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_NEXT(loop_num)
[docs] def use_NOTA(self, bla_str): """ This function echoes a NOTA line; i.e., it transcribes the line from the input English file to the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- bla_str : str Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_NOTA(bla_str)
[docs] def use_PHAS(self, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a PHAS line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.write_gate_name("PHAS", len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) self.wr.write(controls.kinds, OneQubitGate.phase_fac, [angle_rads])
[docs] def use_P_PH(self, projection_bit, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a P0PH or P1PH line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- projection_bit : int angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ name = '' if projection_bit == 0: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac name = 'P0PH' elif projection_bit == 1: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac name = 'P1PH' else: assert False self.write_gate_name(name, len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) self.wr.write(controls.kinds, u2_fun, [angle_rads])
[docs] def use_PRINT(self, style, line_num): """ This function echoes a PRINT line; i.e., it transcribes the line from the input English file to the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- style : str line_num : int Returns ------- None """ self.wr.write_PRINT(style)
[docs] def use_ROTA(self, axis, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a ROTX, ROTY or ROTZ line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- axis : int angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ name = '' if axis == 1: name = 'ROTX' elif axis == 2: name = 'ROTY' elif axis == 3: name = 'ROTZ' else: assert False self.write_gate_name(name, len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) self.wr.write(controls.kinds, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [angle_rads, axis])
[docs] def use_ROTN(self, angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a ROTN line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- angle_x_rads : float angle_y_rads : float angle_z_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.write_gate_name("ROTN", len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) rad_ang_list = [angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads] self.wr.write(controls.kinds, OneQubitGate.rot, rad_ang_list)
[docs] def use_SIG(self, axis, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a SIGX, SIGY or SIGZ line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- axis : int tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ name = '' if axis == 1: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigx name = 'SIGX' elif axis == 2: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigy name = 'SIGY' elif axis == 3: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigz name = 'SIGZ' else: assert False self.write_gate_name(name, len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) self.wr.write(controls.kinds, u2_fun)
[docs] def use_SWA_(self, bit1, bit2, controls, rads_list=None): """ This internal function expands a SWAP or SWAY line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls rads_list : list[float] list of 4 floats Returns ------- None """ use_sway = False if rads_list is not None: assert len(rads_list) == 2 use_sway = True self.write_gate_name("SWAP" if not use_sway else 'SWAY', len(controls.kinds)) emb0, emb1 = self.two_embs_for_c_qbit_swap(bit1, bit2, controls) num_trols = len(controls.kinds) self.wr.emb = emb0 # intialize emb # insert opening Hadamards for controls equal to n_bar = |0><0| self.wr.write_hads(controls.kinds) self.wr.write([True] * (num_trols + 1), OneQubitGate.sigx) self.wr.emb = emb1 # change emb if not use_sway: self.wr.write([True] * (num_trols + 1), OneQubitGate.sigx) else: rads0, rads1 = rads_list self.wr.write([True] * (num_trols + 1), OneQubitGate.u2, [rads0, rads1, 0.0, 0.0]) self.wr.emb = emb0 # restore emb self.wr.write([True] * (num_trols + 1), OneQubitGate.sigx) # insert closing Hadamards for controls equal to n_bar = |0><0| self.wr.write_hads(controls.kinds, herm_conj=True)
[docs] def use_SWAP(self, bit1, bit2, controls): """ This function expands a SWAP; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.use_SWA_(bit1, bit2, controls)
[docs] def use_SWAY(self, bit1, bit2, controls, rads_list): """ This function expands a SWAY line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls rads_list : list[float] Returns ------- None """ self.use_SWA_(bit1, bit2, controls, rads_list)
[docs] def use_U_2_(self, rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function expands a U_2_ line; i.e., it reads the line from the input English file and writes an expansion of it in the output English & Picture files. Parameters ---------- rads0 : float rads1 : float rads2 : float rads3 : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.write_gate_name("U_2_", len(controls.kinds)) self.wr.emb = self.emb_for_c_u2(tar_bit_pos, controls) rad_ang_list = [rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3] self.wr.write(controls.kinds, OneQubitGate.u2, rad_ang_list)
[docs] def do_log(self): """ This class does a "flat" reading of the input file; i.e., the reading does not respect loop structure. Hence, we won't let it write a log file, for if we did, it would be incorrect. A correct log file can always be obtained by creating a SEO_reader object. Returns ------- None """ pass
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): xer = CGateExpander('fou_test', 6, verbose=True) xer = CGateExpander('fou_test_X1', 6, verbose=True) xer = CGateExpander('ph_est_test', 8, verbose=True) xer = CGateExpander('sim_test2', 4, verbose=True) # write log file for sim_test2 SEO_reader('sim_test2', 4, write_log=True) xer = CGateExpander('sim_test3', 4, verbose=True) main()