Source code for qubiter.LoopFileGenerator

from qubiter.SEO_reader import *
from qubiter.LoopyPlaceholderManager import *

[docs]class LoopFileGenerator(SEO_reader): """ This class is important to you only if you are interested in using loops in the English file. This class reads an English file (a .txt text file) with nested loops in it and it writes a Loop File (a .py python script). Like all SEO_reader's, this class has a PlaceholderManager call vars_manager ( variables manager), but for this class, the vars_manager is of the special type LoopyPlaceholderManager. Attributes ---------- indentation_li : list[int] one item list containing an int that stores the current number of indentation spaces in the Loop File being written loop_out : _io.TextIOWrapper out stream to Loop File being generated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int kwargs : dict Returns ------- """ self.loop_out = open(utg.preface( file_prefix + '_' + str(num_qbits) + ''), 'wt') # to pass integer by reference, must put inside a list self.indentation_li = [0] vman = LoopyPlaceholderManager(self.loop_out, self.indentation_li, eval_all_vars=False) vman.write_loop_file_prelude() # Must set write_log to True or else SEO_reader will abort. However, # we also override do_log in this class to prevent log from being # written. SEO_reader.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, write_log=True, vars_manager=vman, **kwargs) vman.write_loop_file_ending() self.loop_out.close()
[docs] def do_log(self): """ We override this to prevent writing of log, because when we do, we get a wrong count for the number of elem ops, because this SEO_reader is performing a flat reading of the English file (i.e., not jumping back at NEXTs) Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def use_LOOP(self, loop_num, nreps): """ This method overrides method of same name in parent class SEO_reader. Its purpose is to write a "for" line in the Loop File. It also increases the indentation in the Loop File by 4 spaces. This gives Python style indentation for for-loops in Loop File. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int nreps : int Returns ------- None """ self.loop_out.write(' ' * self.indentation_li[0] + 'for j' + str(loop_num) + ' in range(' + str(nreps) + '):' + ' # line ' + str(self.line_count) + "\n") self.indentation_li[0] += 4
[docs] def use_NEXT(self, loop_num): """ This method overrides method of same name in parent class SEO_reader. It reduces the indentation in the Loop File by 4 spaces. This gives Python style indentation for for-loops in Loop File. The use_NEXT in the parent class is responsible for jumping back from NEXT line to LOOP line if the total number of reps (nreps) hasn't been completed. This override doesn't do that jump. This gives a flat reading of the English file, without jumping back at NEXTs. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int Returns ------- None """ self.indentation_li[0] -= 4
if __name__ == "__main__": from qubiter.SEO_writer import * from qubiter.SEO_simulator import * from qubiter.StateVec import * def main(): file_prefix = 'loop_gen_test' num_qbits = 4 # write the English and Picture files emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) wr = SEO_writer(file_prefix, emb) wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( 0, Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, 2, False), OneQubitGate.rot_ax, ['#1', 1]) wr.write_LOOP(20, nreps=2) wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( 1, Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, 2, False), OneQubitGate.rot_ax, ['-my_fun1#1#2', 2]) wr.write_LOOP(10, nreps=4) wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( 2, Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, 3, True), OneQubitGate.rot, ['-#1*.5', '#2', '-my_fun3#3']) wr.write_NEXT(10) wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( 1, Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, 2, False), OneQubitGate.rot_ax, ['my_fun1#1#2', 2]) wr.write_NEXT(20) wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( 0, Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, 2, False), OneQubitGate.rot_ax, ['#1*.3', 1]) wr.write_one_qbit_gate(1, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, ['my_fun#1', 1]) wr.close_files() # write a log SEO_reader(file_prefix, num_qbits, write_log=True) # write a Loop File LoopFileGenerator(file_prefix, num_qbits) # read a Loop xfile and do simulation sim = SEO_simulator(file_prefix, num_qbits, verbose=False, xfile_num=1) print("\n----------------------------------------") StateVec.describe_st_vec_dict(sim.cur_st_vec_dict) main()