Source code for qubiter.LoopyPlaceholderManager

from qubiter.PlaceholderManager import *

[docs]class LoopyPlaceholderManager(PlaceholderManager): """ This class is important to you only if you are interested in using loops in the English file. This class is a child of PlaceholderManager. Like its parent PlaceholderManager, it stores and processes info having to do with placeholder variables. This class in used by class LoopFileGenerator to write a Loop File, which is a template Python file that when modified by you and executed, generates the history of each placeholder variable ( either a hash variable or a functional placeholder) used in a target circuit with nested loops. A history of a variable is a list of all the values it will assume all the times it is used in the circuit (each repetition in a loop or nested loops is counted as a different use.) Variables with a _li suffix are one item lists. This is a way of passing by reference (i.e., by pointer) instead of by value, an immutable in Python. Attributes ---------- indentation_li : list[int] one item list containing an int that stores the current number of indentation spaces in the Loop File being written loop_out : _io.TextIOWrapper out stream to Loop File being generated by collaboration of this class and a LoopFileManager. This class writes to loop_out info stored in it """
[docs] def __init__(self, loop_out, indentation_li, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- loop_out : _io.TextIOWrapper indentation_li : list[int] kwargs : dict Returns ------- """ PlaceholderManager.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.loop_out = loop_out self.indentation_li = indentation_li
[docs] def degs_str_to_rads(self, degs_str, line_count): """ This method overrides method of same name in parent class PlaceholderManager. This method is called by class SEO_reader every time a placeholder with a legal name is encountered while reading an input English file. This method analyzes the legal name and writes info gleaned from that analysis to the Loop File being written. Parameters ---------- degs_str : str line_count : int Returns ------- float | str """ if PlaceholderManager.is_legal_var_name(degs_str): is_fun_var = PlaceholderManager.is_functional_var(degs_str) fun_name = PlaceholderManager.get_leg_var_fun_name(degs_str) var_num_list = PlaceholderManager.get_leg_var_var_nums(degs_str) # store var numbers for var_num in var_num_list: if var_num not in self.all_var_nums: self.all_var_nums.append(var_num) # store function name if fun_name: if fun_name not in self.all_fun_names: self.all_fun_names.append(fun_name) append_str = '.append(None' + '\n' + \ ' ' * self.indentation_li[0] +\ ') # ' + degs_str + ', line ' + \ str(line_count) + '\n' for var_num in var_num_list: self.loop_out.write(' ' * self.indentation_li[0] + 'var_num_to_hist[' + str(var_num) + "]" + append_str) if is_fun_var: self.loop_out.write(' ' * self.indentation_li[0] + 'fun_name_to_hist["' + fun_name + '"]' + append_str)
[docs] def write_loop_file_prelude(self): """ This method writes stuff at the beginning of the Loop File, before the English file has been read. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def write_loop_file_ending(self): """ This method writes stuff at the end of the Loop File, after the English file has been read. Returns ------- None """ self.loop_out.write('\n') # it's important not to redefine all_var_nums and all_fun_names here # so that they pass their values out of the exec() self.loop_out.write('all_var_nums += ' + str(self.all_var_nums) + "\n") self.loop_out.write('all_fun_names += ' + str(self.all_fun_names) + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): print(5) main()