Source code for qubiter.SEO_writer

from qubiter.CktEmbedder import *
from qubiter.Controls import *
from qubiter.OneQubitGate import *
import re
import qubiter.utilities_gen as utg
from qubiter.PlaceholderManager import *
import sys
import os
from IPython.display import HTML, display
if 'autograd.numpy' not in sys.modules:
    import numpy as np

[docs]class SEO_writer: """ The constructor of this class opens an English and a Picture file. Every other method of the class writes, each time it is called, a single line in each of those 2 files. Note SEO stands for Sequence of Elementary Operations. So what are English and Picture files? We use 3 types of files to characterize a single quantum circuit (in the gate model): (1) an English file (2) a Picture file (3) a Log file. Log files are written by class SEO_reader, whereas English and Picture files are written by this class, SEO_writer. A log file just contains useful information like the number of lines of the English file (same as that of Picture file) and their number of operations. The lines of an English and Picture file are in 1-1 correspondence, each line representing a single operation (e.g., a multi-controlled one qubit gate or a multi-controlled 2 qubit swap). The English file (resp., Picture file) contains complete (resp., partial, in the form of an ASCII picture) info about the operation specified by each line. In English and Picture files, time flows downward. The class SEO_writer gives the bool option ZL. When this argument is set to True (resp., False), the Picture file shows the zero qubit last ( resp., first), and the remaining qubits in consecutive order. Picture files written with zero bit last (resp., first) are labelled prefix + '_ZLpict.text' (resp., prefix + '_ZFpict.txt'). The ZL choice does not affect the English file. See the following and earlier arXiv papers by R.R.Tucci for more info on English and Picture files. "Quibbs, a Code Generator for Quantum Gibbs Sampling" The following pdf is stored in the same folder as this python file. qubiter_rosetta_stone.pdf This pdf gives examples of lines in analytic/Picture/English formats. The Picture file examples follow the ZL convention. 3 kinds (called 0, 1, 2) of measurements MEAS are allowed. A type 0 measurement inserts a projector ``|0><0| = n = P_0`` at the target bit. A type 1 measurement inserts a projector ``|1><1| = nbar = P_1`` at the target bit. A type 2 measurement stores a copy of the state vector after ``|0><0|`` has been applied, and another copy after ``|1><1|`` has been applied. If a vertical wire hasn't been measured as type 2 measurement, it is drawn in pic file as "|"; otherwise, it is drawn as ":". Attributes ---------- emb : CktEmbedder english_out : _io.TextIOWrapper file object for output text file that stores English description of circuit file_prefix : str beginning of the name of both English and Picture files gate_line_counter : int indentation : int Starts at 0, Grows by 4 at end of each write_LOOP and decrease by 4 at beginning of each write_NEXT measured_bits : list(int) list of bits that have been measured with type 2 measurement and haven't been reset to ``|0>`` or ``|1>`` picture_out : _io.TextIOWrapper file object for output text file that stores ASCII Picture description of circuit ZL : bool """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, emb, ZL=True, english_out=None, picture_out=None): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str emb : CktEmbedder ZL : bool english_out : _io.TextIOWrapper picture_out : _io.TextIOWrapper Returns ------- """ self.gate_line_counter = 0 self.file_prefix = file_prefix self.emb = emb self.ZL = ZL self.measured_bits = [] if english_out is None and file_prefix: self.english_out = open(utg.preface(self.get_eng_file_path( rel=True)), 'wt') else: self.english_out = english_out if picture_out is None and file_prefix: self.picture_out = open(utg.preface(self.get_pic_file_path( rel=True)), 'wt') else: self.picture_out = picture_out self.indentation = 0
[docs] def get_eng_file_path(self, rel=False): """ Returns path (relative if rel is True, absolute if rel is False) of English file. Attributes ---------- rel : bool Returns ------- str """ rel_path = utg.get_eng_file_rel_path(self.file_prefix, self.emb.num_qbits_aft) # print("..,,mmmm", rel_path) return rel_path if rel else utg.preface(rel_path)
[docs] def get_pic_file_path(self, rel=False): """ Returns path (relative if rel is True, absolute if rel is False) of Picture file. Attributes ---------- rel : bool Returns ------- str """ rel_path = utg.get_pic_file_rel_path(self.file_prefix, self.emb.num_qbits_aft, ZL=self.ZL) return rel_path if rel else utg.preface(rel_path)
[docs] def close_files(self): """ Closes English and Picture files that were opened by the constructor. Returns ------- None """ # print("bbnnnvvv", 'closing files') self.english_out.close() self.picture_out.close()
[docs] def delete_files(self): """ This method will delete the English and Picture files. The files are closed before being deleted in case that hasn't been done yet. Closing a file a second time does nothing. Returns ------- None """ self.close_files() import os os.remove(self.get_eng_file_path()) os.remove(self.get_pic_file_path())
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_html_from_eng_or_pic_file(f): """ This function returns a string for an html table generated from an English or Picture file. The table has two columns. The first column gives the line numbers starting from 1. Parameters ---------- f : file f is file object returned by open() Returns ------- str """ k = 1 line = f.readline() all_lines = '' td0 = "<td style='border-right:1px solid red;'>" td1 = "<td style='text-align:left;'>" while line: all_lines += td0 + str(k) + "</td>" + td1 +\ "<pre>" + line.strip() + "</pre>" +\ '</td></tr>' k += 1 line = f.readline() table = "<table style='font-family:monospace'><tr>" +\ all_lines + '</table>' # print(table) return table
[docs] def print_eng_file(self, jup=False): """ Prints English file. Parameters ---------- jup : bool If jup=False, it prints text. Otherwise, it draws in a jupyter notebook a table with line numbers starting at 1 Returns ------- None """ with open(utg.preface(self.get_eng_file_path(rel=True)), 'r') as f: if not jup: print( else: dis_obj = HTML(SEO_writer.gen_html_from_eng_or_pic_file(f)) display(dis_obj)
[docs] def print_pic_file(self, jup=False): """ Prints Picture file. Parameters ---------- jup : bool If jup=False, it prints text. Otherwise, it draws in a jupyter notebook a table with line numbers starting at 1 Returns ------- None """ with open(utg.preface(self.get_pic_file_path(rel=True)), 'r') as f: if not jup: print( else: dis_obj = HTML(SEO_writer.gen_html_from_eng_or_pic_file(f)) display(dis_obj)
[docs] def colonize(self, pic_line): """ This function returns new version of pic_line. Every "|" wire is replaced by ":" colon wire and vice versa iff the wire is at a bit position that has been measured (type 2 measurement) in the past and not reset. This function assumes pic_line in ZL convention so must call this function before calling write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line() Parameters ---------- pic_line : str Returns ------- str """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_aft li = list(pic_line) for bit in range(0, num_qbits): m = 4*(num_qbits - 1 - bit) if bit in self.measured_bits: if li[m] == "|": li[m] = ":" else: if li[m] == ":": li[m] = "|" return "".join(li)
[docs] def write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(self, pic_line): """ Writes a line in the Picture file using either the ZF or ZL conventions. pic_line is originally written in ZL format, so this method does nothing to pic_line if ZL option is chosen but reverses order of gates if ZF option chosen. Parameters ---------- pic_line : str Returns ------- None """ # example: # Ry--R---<--->---Rz if not self.ZL: pic_line = pic_line.strip() # delimiter is -- or --- or 2 spaces or 3 spaces nodes = re.split('-{2,3}| {2,3}', pic_line) dash_or_space = [pic_line[k*4 + 3] for k in range(len(nodes)-1)] nodes = list(reversed(nodes)) dash_or_space = list(reversed(dash_or_space)) for kk in range(len(nodes)): if nodes[kk] == '<': nodes[kk] = '>' elif nodes[kk] == '<<': nodes[kk] = '>>' elif nodes[kk] == '>': nodes[kk] = '<' elif nodes[kk] == '>>': nodes[kk] = '<<' new_line = '' k = 0 for nd in nodes: if k < len(nodes) - 1: if len(nd) == 1: new_line += (nd + dash_or_space[k]*3) elif len(nd) == 2: new_line += (nd + dash_or_space[k]*2) else: # k = len(nodes) - 1 new_line += nd k += 1 else: new_line = pic_line self.picture_out.write(new_line)
[docs] def write_IF_M_beg(self, trols): """ Writes a 'IF_M( <controls> ){' line in eng & pic files. Parameters ---------- trols : Controls Returns ------- None """ aft_trols = trols.new_embedded_self(self.emb) s = "IF_M(\t" num_controls = len(aft_trols.bit_pos) for c in range(num_controls): s += str(aft_trols.bit_pos[c]) + \ ("T" if aft_trols.kinds[c] == True else "F") + \ ("\t){\n" if (c == num_controls - 1) else "\t") self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s)
[docs] def write_IF_M_end(self): """ Writes an '}IF_M' line in eng and pic files. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ s = "}IF_M\n" self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s)
[docs] def write_LOOP(self, loop_num, nreps): """ Writes a 'LOOP' line in eng & pic files. The gates between a LOOP line and its partner NEXT line are to be repeated a number of times called nreps. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int nreps : int Returns ------- None """ s = "LOOP\t" + str(loop_num) + "\tNREPS=\t" + str(nreps) + '\n' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.indentation += 4
[docs] def write_MEAS(self, tar_bit_pos, kind): """ Writes a 'MEAS' line in eng & pic files. This denotes a measurement step. We allow 3 kinds of measurements (0, 1, 2) at a target bit. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int kind : int either 0, 1 or 2 Returns ------- None """ # num_qbits_bef = self.emb.num_qbits_bef num_qbits_aft = self.emb.num_qbits_aft aft_tar_bit_pos = self.emb.aft(tar_bit_pos) assert kind in [0, 1, 2], "unsupported measurement kind" if kind == 2: self.measured_bits.append(aft_tar_bit_pos) # english file s = 'MEAS\t' + str(kind) + '\tAT\t' + str(aft_tar_bit_pos) + '\n' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) # picture file pic_line = "" biggest = aft_tar_bit_pos smallest = aft_tar_bit_pos # k a bit position for k in range(num_qbits_aft-1, biggest, -1): pic_line += "| " if kind == 0: pic_line += "M0 " elif kind == 1: pic_line += 'M1 ' else: pic_line += 'M ' for k in range(smallest-1, -1, -1): pic_line += "| " pic_line = self.colonize(pic_line) self.write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(pic_line) self.picture_out.write("\n")
[docs] def write_NEXT(self, loop_num): """ Writes a 'NEXT' line in eng & pic files. Parameters ---------- loop_num : int Returns ------- None """ self.indentation -= 4 s = "NEXT\t" + str(loop_num) + '\n' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s)
[docs] def write_NOTA(self, bla_str, permission=True): """ Writes a 'NOTA' line in eng & pic files. As the name implies, a NOTA is just a note or comment such as "I love you Mary". It is not a gate. Parameters ---------- bla_str : str permission : bool General permission, useful for turning off whole batches of NOTAs Returns ------- None """ if permission: s = "NOTA\t" + bla_str.rstrip() + '\n' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s)
[docs] def write_PRINT(self, style): """ Writes a 'PRINT' line in eng & pic files. Parameters ---------- style : str Returns ------- None """ s = "PRINT\t" + style + '\n' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s) self.picture_out.write(' '*self.indentation + s)
[docs] def rads_to_degs_str(self, rads): """ This method returns str(rads*180/pi) if isinstance(rads, float) rads if is_legal_var_name(rads) (this implies rads is str) aborts otherwise. The method is only used inside this class so I am making it non-static even though it doesn't use self. Parameters ---------- rads : float | str Returns ------- str """ # print("--nnn", type(rads)) # np.float types are different from float!!! if isinstance(rads, (int, float, np.floating)): # print("--nnn", str(rads*180/np.pi)) return '{0:0.6f}'.format(rads*180/np.pi) else: assert PlaceholderManager.is_legal_var_name(rads), \ "attempting to write an illegal variable name: '" +\ str(rads) + "'" return rads
[docs] def write_controlled_preamble(self, trols): """ This is an internal function, used as preamble to all methods that are named write_controlled_...() Parameters ---------- trols : Controls Returns ------- Controls """ self.gate_line_counter += 1 assert not self.english_out.closed assert not self.picture_out.closed aft_trols = trols.new_embedded_self(self.emb) # add extra controls if there are any extra_dict = self.emb.extra_controls.bit_pos_to_kind if extra_dict: aft_trols.bit_pos_to_kind.update(extra_dict) aft_trols.refresh_lists() return aft_trols
[docs] def write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( self, tar_bit_pos, trols, one_qbit_gate_fun, fun_arg_list=None): """ Writes a line in eng & pic files for a one bit gate (from class OneQubitGate) with >= 0 controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int trols : Controls one_qbit_gate_fun : function maps Any->np.ndarray fun_arg_list : list Returns ------- None """ aft_trols = self.write_controlled_preamble(trols) # num_qbits_bef = self.emb.num_qbits_bef num_qbits_aft = self.emb.num_qbits_aft aft_tar_bit_pos = self.emb.aft(tar_bit_pos) # number of controls may be zero num_controls = len(aft_trols.bit_pos) assert aft_tar_bit_pos not in aft_trols.bit_pos,\ "target bit cannot be a control bit" if fun_arg_list is None: fun_arg_list = [] # english file self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation) if one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.had2: self.english_out.write("HAD2") elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.phase_fac: self.english_out.write("PHAS\t" + self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[0])) elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac: self.english_out.write("P0PH\t" + self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[0])) elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac: self.english_out.write("P1PH\t" + self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[0])) elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.rot_ax: ang_rads = fun_arg_list[0] axis = fun_arg_list[1] degs_str = self.rads_to_degs_str(ang_rads) if axis == 1: self.english_out.write("ROTX\t" + degs_str) elif axis == 2: self.english_out.write("ROTY\t" + degs_str) elif axis == 3: self.english_out.write("ROTZ\t" + degs_str) else: assert False elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.rot: x_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[0]) y_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[1]) z_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[2]) self.english_out.write("ROTN\t" + x_degs + "\t" + y_degs + "\t" + z_degs) elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigx: self.english_out.write("SIGX") elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigy: self.english_out.write("SIGY") elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigz: self.english_out.write("SIGZ") elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.u2: ph_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[0]) x_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[1]) y_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[2]) z_degs = self.rads_to_degs_str(fun_arg_list[3]) self.english_out.write("U_2_\t" + ph_degs + "\t" + x_degs + "\t" + y_degs + "\t" + z_degs) else: assert False, "writing an unsupported controlled gate\n" +\ one_qbit_gate_fun.__name__ self.english_out.write("\tAT\t" + str(aft_tar_bit_pos) + ("\tIF\t" if num_controls != 0 else "\n")) # list bit-positions in decreasing order for c in range(num_controls): self.english_out.write( str(aft_trols.bit_pos[c]) + ("T" if aft_trols.kinds[c] == True else "F") + ("\n" if c == num_controls - 1 else "\t")) # picture file pic_line = "" biggest = aft_tar_bit_pos smallest = aft_tar_bit_pos if num_controls != 0: biggest = max(aft_trols.bit_pos[0], aft_tar_bit_pos) smallest = min(aft_trols.bit_pos[num_controls-1], aft_tar_bit_pos) # k a bit position for k in range(num_qbits_aft-1, biggest, -1): pic_line += "| " c_int = 0 for k in range(biggest, smallest-1, -1): is_target = (k == aft_tar_bit_pos) is_control = False control_kind = False tres = ' '*3 if (k == smallest) else "---" dos = ' '*2 if (k == smallest) else "--" # c_int starts at last value for c in range(c_int, num_controls, +1): if k == aft_trols.bit_pos[c]: is_control = True control_kind = aft_trols.kinds[c] c_int += 1 break if is_control: pic_line += ("@" if control_kind else "O") + tres else: # is not control if not is_target: # is not control or target pic_line += "+" + tres else: # is target if one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.had2: pic_line += "H" + tres elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.phase_fac: pic_line += "Ph" + dos elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac: pic_line += "OP" + dos elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac: pic_line += "@P" + dos elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.rot_ax: axis = fun_arg_list[1] if axis == 1: pic_line += "Rx" + dos elif axis == 2: pic_line += "Ry" + dos elif axis == 3: pic_line += "Rz" + dos else: assert False elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.rot: pic_line += "R" + tres elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigx: pic_line += "X" + tres elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigy: pic_line += "Y" + tres elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.sigz: pic_line += "Z" + tres elif one_qbit_gate_fun == OneQubitGate.u2: rads1 = fun_arg_list[1] rads2 = fun_arg_list[2] rads3 = fun_arg_list[3] def both_are_small(r1, r2): if isinstance(r1, str) or isinstance(r2, str): return False if abs(r1) > 1e-6 or abs(r2) > 1e-6: return False return True small_12 = both_are_small(rads1, rads2) small_23 = both_are_small(rads2, rads3) small_13 = both_are_small(rads1, rads3) if small_12 and small_23: pic_line += "Ph" + dos elif small_23: pic_line += "Ux" + dos elif small_13: pic_line += "Uy" + dos elif small_12: pic_line += "Uz" + dos else: pic_line += "U" + tres else: assert False, \ "writing an unsupported controlled gate\n" +\ one_qbit_gate_fun.__name__ for k in range(smallest-1, -1, -1): pic_line += "| " pic_line = self.colonize(pic_line) self.write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(pic_line) self.picture_out.write("\n")
[docs] def write_controlled_qbit_swap(self, bit1, bit2, trols, rads_list=None): """ If rads_list=None, this method writes a line in eng & pic files for a 'SWAP' with >= 0 controls NOTE: SWAP is qbit symmetric: SWAP(0,1) = SWAP(1,0) If rads_list is not None and equals a list of 2 angles, rads_list=[ rads0, rads1], this method writes a generalization of SWAP that I call SWAY (just to have a verb that is close to swap) SWAY = [1 0 0] [0 U2 0] [0 0 1] where U2 is the most general 2-dim unitary matrix satisfying sigx U2 sigx = U2. If U2 is parametrized as U2 = exp(j*(rads0 + rads1*sigx + rads2*sigy + rads3*sigz)) then SWAY is qbit symmetric (SWAY(0,1)=SWAY(1,0)) iff sigx U2 sigx = U2 iff rads2=rads3=0. SWAY includes SWAP, sqrt(SWAP), iSWAP, sqrt(iSWAP), PWAP, sqrt(PSWAP) etc. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int bit1 and bit2 are the positions of the swapped bits. trols : Controls rads_list : list[float | str ] | None Returns ------- None """ aft_trols = self.write_controlled_preamble(trols) num_qbits_bef = self.emb.num_qbits_bef num_qbits_aft = self.emb.num_qbits_aft # aft_tar_bit_pos = self.emb.aft(tar_bit_pos) # number of controls may be zero num_controls = len(aft_trols.bit_pos) assert bit1 != bit2, "swapped bits must be different" assert -1 < bit1 < num_qbits_bef assert -1 < bit2 < num_qbits_bef x = [self.emb.aft(bit1), self.emb.aft(bit2)] big = max(x) small = min(x) use_sway = False if rads_list is not None: assert len(rads_list) == 2 use_sway = True # english file gate_name = 'SWAP' if use_sway: gate_name = 'SWAY' self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + gate_name + '\t' + str(big) + "\t" + str(small)) if use_sway: self.english_out.write('\tBY') for k in range(2): deg_str = self.rads_to_degs_str(rads_list[k]) self.english_out.write('\t' + deg_str) self.english_out.write("\tIF\t" if num_controls != 0 else "\n") # list bit-positions in decreasing order for c in range(num_controls): self.english_out.write( str(aft_trols.bit_pos[c]) + ("T" if aft_trols.kinds[c] == True else "F") + ("\n" if (c == num_controls - 1) else "\t")) # picture file pic_line = "" biggest = big smallest = small if num_controls != 0: biggest = max(aft_trols.bit_pos[0], big) smallest = min(aft_trols.bit_pos[num_controls-1], small) # k a bit position for k in range(num_qbits_aft-1, biggest, -1): pic_line += "| " c_int = 0 for k in range(biggest, smallest-1, -1): is_big = (k == big) is_small = (k == small) is_control = False control_kind = False tres = ' '*3 if (k == smallest) else "---" dos = ' '*2 if (k == smallest) else "--" for c in range(c_int, num_controls, +1): if k == aft_trols.bit_pos[c]: is_control = True control_kind = aft_trols.kinds[c] c_int += 1 break if is_control: pic_line += ('@' if control_kind else 'O') + tres else: # control not found if is_big: if use_sway: pic_line += "<<" + dos else: pic_line += "<" + tres elif is_small: if use_sway: pic_line += ">>" + dos else: pic_line += ">" + tres else: pic_line += "+" + tres for k in range(smallest-1, -1, -1): pic_line += "| " pic_line = self.colonize(pic_line) self.write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(pic_line) self.picture_out.write("\n")
[docs] def write_controlled_multiplexor_gate(self, tar_bit_pos, trols, rad_angles): """ Writes a line in eng & pic files for a multiplexor 'MP_Y' with >= 0 controls of either int (integer, intrinsic) or True/False kind. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- None """ aft_trols = self.write_controlled_preamble(trols) # num_qbits_bef = self.emb.num_qbits_bef num_qbits_aft = self.emb.num_qbits_aft aft_tar_bit_pos = self.emb.aft(tar_bit_pos) # number of controls may be zero num_controls = len(aft_trols.bit_pos) assert aft_tar_bit_pos not in aft_trols.bit_pos,\ "target bit cannot be a control bit" num_int_controls = aft_trols.get_num_int_controls() assert num_int_controls != 0, \ "multiplexor with no half-moon controls" num_angles = len(rad_angles) assert num_angles == (1 << num_int_controls),\ "wrong number of multiplexor angles" # english file self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + "MP_Y\tAT\t" + str(aft_tar_bit_pos) + "\tIF\t") # list bit-positions in decreasing order for c in range(num_controls): x = aft_trols.kinds[c] kind_str = "" # bool is subclass of int # so isinstance(x, int) will be true if x is bool! if not isinstance(x, bool): kind_str = ":" + str(x) elif not x: kind_str = "F" elif x: kind_str = "T" self.english_out.write( str(aft_trols.bit_pos[c]) + kind_str + "\t") # use BY to indicate end of controls self.english_out.write("\tBY\t") for k in range(num_angles): self.english_out.write( self.rads_to_degs_str(rad_angles[k]) + ("\n" if k == (num_angles-1) else "\t")) # picture file pic_line = "" biggest = aft_tar_bit_pos smallest = aft_tar_bit_pos if num_controls != 0: biggest = max(aft_trols.bit_pos[0], aft_tar_bit_pos) smallest = min(aft_trols.bit_pos[num_controls-1], aft_tar_bit_pos) # k a bit position for k in range(num_qbits_aft-1, biggest, -1): pic_line += "| " c_int = 0 for k in range(biggest, smallest-1, -1): is_target = (k == tar_bit_pos) is_control = False control_kind = False tres = ' '*3 if (k == smallest) else "---" dos = ' '*2 if (k == smallest) else "--" # c_int starts at last value for c in range(c_int, num_controls, +1): if k == aft_trols.bit_pos[c]: is_control = True control_kind = aft_trols.kinds[c] c_int += 1 break if is_control: if not isinstance(control_kind, bool): pic_line += "%" + tres elif not control_kind: pic_line += "O" + tres elif control_kind: pic_line += "@" + tres else: # is not control if not is_target: # is not control nor target pic_line += "+" + tres else: # is target pic_line += "Ry" + dos for k in range(smallest-1, -1, -1): pic_line += "| " pic_line = self.colonize(pic_line) self.write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(pic_line) self.picture_out.write("\n")
[docs] def write_controlled_diag_unitary_gate(self, trols, rad_angles): """ Writes a line in eng & pic files for a diagonal unitary gate 'DIAG' with >= 0 controls of either int (integer, intrinsic) or True/False kind. Parameters ---------- trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- None """ aft_trols = self.write_controlled_preamble(trols) # num_qbits_bef = self.emb.num_qbits_bef num_qbits_aft = self.emb.num_qbits_aft # aft_tar_bit_pos = self.emb.aft(tar_bit_pos) # number of controls may be zero num_controls = len(aft_trols.bit_pos) num_int_controls = aft_trols.get_num_int_controls() assert num_int_controls != 0, \ "d-unitary with no half-moon controls" num_angles = len(rad_angles) assert num_angles == (1 << num_int_controls),\ "wrong number of d-unitary angles" # english file self.english_out.write(' '*self.indentation + "DIAG\tIF\t") # list bit-positions in decreasing order for c in range(num_controls): x = aft_trols.kinds[c] kind_str = "" # bool is subclass of int # so isinstance(x, int) will be true if x is bool! if not isinstance(x, bool): kind_str = ":" + str(x) elif not x: kind_str = "F" elif x: kind_str = "T" self.english_out.write( str(aft_trols.bit_pos[c]) + kind_str + "\t") # use BY to indicate end of controls self.english_out.write("\tBY\t") for k in range(num_angles): # print('nmnmkkk', k, num_angles, rad_angles[k]) self.english_out.write( self.rads_to_degs_str(rad_angles[k]) + ("\n" if k == (num_angles-1) else "\t")) # picture file pic_line = "" biggest = aft_trols.bit_pos[0] smallest = aft_trols.bit_pos[num_controls-1] # k a bit position for k in range(num_qbits_aft-1, biggest, -1): pic_line += "| " c_int = 0 for k in range(biggest, smallest-1, -1): is_control = False control_kind = False tres = ' '*3 if (k == smallest) else "---" # c_int starts at last value for c in range(c_int, num_controls, +1): if k == aft_trols.bit_pos[c]: is_control = True control_kind = aft_trols.kinds[c] c_int += 1 break if is_control: if not isinstance(control_kind, bool): pic_line += "%" + tres elif not control_kind: pic_line += "O" + tres elif control_kind: pic_line += "@" + tres else: # is not control pic_line += "+" + tres for k in range(smallest-1, -1, -1): pic_line += "| " pic_line = self.colonize(pic_line) self.write_ZF_or_ZL_pic_line(pic_line) self.picture_out.write("\n")
[docs] def write_one_qbit_gate( self, tar_bit_pos, one_qbit_gate_fun, fun_arg_list=None): """ Write a line in eng & pic files for a one qubit gate (from class OneQubitGate) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int one_qbit_gate_fun : function fun_arg_list : list Returns ------- None """ trols = Controls(2) # dummy with zero controls self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( tar_bit_pos, trols, one_qbit_gate_fun, fun_arg_list)
[docs] def write_qbit_swap(self, bit1, bit2, rads_list=None): """ Write a line in eng & pic files for a 'SWAP' if rads_list=None or 'SWAY' if rads_list!=None, with no controls. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int rads_list : list[float | str] | None Returns ------- None """ trols = Controls(2) # dummy with zero controls self.write_controlled_qbit_swap(bit1, bit2, trols, rads_list)
[docs] def write_H(self, tar_bit_pos): """ Writes HAD2 with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.had2)
[docs] def write_Rx(self, tar_bit_pos, rads): """ writes ROTX = exp(1j*rads*sig_x) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int rads : float Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [rads, 1])
[docs] def write_Ry(self, tar_bit_pos, rads): """ Writes ROTY = exp(1j*rads*sig_y) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int rads : float Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [rads, 2])
[docs] def write_Rz(self, tar_bit_pos, rads): """ Writes ROTZ = exp(1j*rads*sig_z) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int rads : float Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [rads, 3])
[docs] def write_Rn(self, tar_bit_pos, rads_list): """ Writes ROTN = exp(1j*(rads_x*sig_x + rads_y*sig_y + rads_z*sig_z)) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int rads_list : list[float] [rads_x, rads_y, rads_z] Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.rot, rads_list)
[docs] def write_S(self, tar_bit_pos, herm=False): """ Writes P1PH = exp(1j*P_1*pi/2) or its Hermitian with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int herm : bool Returns ------- None """ sign = +1 if herm: sign = -1 self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac, [sign*np.pi/2])
[docs] def write_T(self, tar_bit_pos, herm=False): """ Writes P1PH = exp(1j*P_1*pi/4) or its Hermitian with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int herm : bool Returns ------- None """ sign = +1 if herm: sign = -1 self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac, [sign*np.pi/4])
[docs] def write_U2(self, tar_bit_pos, rads_list): """ Writes UN_2= exp(1j*(rads0 + rads1*sig_x + rads2*sig_y + rads3*sig_z)) with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int rads_list : list[float] [rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3] Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.u2, rads_list)
[docs] def write_X(self, tar_bit_pos): """ Writes SIGX with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.sigx)
[docs] def write_Y(self, tar_bit_pos): """ Writes SIGY with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.sigy)
[docs] def write_Z(self, tar_bit_pos): """ Writes SIGZ with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int Returns ------- None """ self.write_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, OneQubitGate.sigz)
[docs] def write_cnot(self, control_bit, target_bit, kind=True): """ Writes a simple singly controlled not. If kind=True (resp. False), cnot fires when control is ``|1>`` (resp. ``|0>``). Parameters ---------- control_bit : int target_bit : int kind : bool Returns ------- None """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_aft trols = Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, control_bit, kind) self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(target_bit, trols, OneQubitGate.sigx)
[docs] def write_cz(self, control_bit, target_bit, kind=True): """ Writes a simple singly controlled Z. If kind=True (resp. False), cz fires when control is ``|1>`` (resp. ``|0>``). Parameters ---------- control_bit : int target_bit : int kind : bool Returns ------- None """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_aft trols = Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, control_bit, kind) self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(target_bit, trols, OneQubitGate.sigz)
[docs] def write_c_P1PH(self, control_bit, target_bit, rads=np.pi, kind=True): """ Writes a simple singly controlled P1PH. If kind=True (resp. False), c_P1PH fires when control is ``|1>`` (resp. ``|0>``). When kind= True and rads=p1, c_P1PH equals ``(-1)^{n(t)n(c)} = sigz(t)^{n(c)}`` where c is the control and t is the target. This is often called a controlled Z, and denoted by Cz. Parameters ---------- control_bit : int target_bit : int rads : float kind : bool Returns ------- None """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_aft trols = Controls.new_single_trol(num_qbits, control_bit, kind) self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(target_bit, trols, OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac, [rads])
[docs] def write_global_phase_fac(self, ang_rads): """ Write a line in eng & pic files for a global phase factor 'PHAS' with no controls. Parameters ---------- ang_rads : float Returns ------- None """ tar_bit_pos = 0 # anyone will do trols = Controls(2) # dummy with zero controls gate_fun = OneQubitGate.phase_fac self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( tar_bit_pos, trols, gate_fun, [ang_rads])
[docs] def write_multiplexor_gate(self, tar_bit_pos, controls, rad_angles): """ Write a line in eng & pic files for a multiplexor 'MP_Y' with no T/F controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- None """ num_controls = len(controls.bit_pos) assert num_controls == controls.get_num_int_controls(),\ "some of the controls of this multiplexor are not half-moons" self.write_controlled_multiplexor_gate( tar_bit_pos, controls, rad_angles)
[docs] def write_diag_unitary_gate(self, controls, rad_angles): """ Write a line in eng & pic files for a diagonal unitary 'DIAG' with no T/F controls. Parameters ---------- controls : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- None """ num_controls = len(controls.bit_pos) assert num_controls == controls.get_num_int_controls(),\ "some of the controls of this diagonal unitary are not half-moons" self.write_controlled_diag_unitary_gate(controls, rad_angles)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): num_qbits = 5 emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) trols = Controls(num_qbits) trols.bit_pos_to_kind = {3: True, 4: False} trols.refresh_lists() ang_rads = 30*np.pi/180 for ZL in [False, True]: wr = SEO_writer('wr_test', emb, ZL=ZL) wr.write_NOTA('zero bit last = ' + str(ZL)) wr.write_IF_M_beg(trols) wr.write_IF_M_end() wr.write_LOOP(10, 15) wr.write_NEXT(10) tar_bit_pos = 1 for kind in [0, 1, 2]: wr.write_MEAS(tar_bit_pos, kind) wr.write_PRINT('F2') wr.write_controlled_qbit_swap(0, 2, trols) wr.write_qbit_swap(1, 2) gate = OneQubitGate.phase_fac wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads]) wr.write_global_phase_fac(30*np.pi/180) gate = OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads]) gate = OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads]) gate = OneQubitGate.sigx wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate) gate = OneQubitGate.sigy wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate) gate = OneQubitGate.sigz wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate) gate = OneQubitGate.had2 wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate) gate = OneQubitGate.rot_ax wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads, 1]) gate = OneQubitGate.rot_ax wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads, 2]) gate = OneQubitGate.rot_ax wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads, 3]) gate = OneQubitGate.rot wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(2, trols, gate, [ang_rads/3, ang_rads*2/3, ang_rads]) gate = OneQubitGate.sigx wr.write_one_qbit_gate(2, gate) wr.write_cnot(2, 1) tar_bit_pos = 0 trols1 = Controls(num_qbits) trols1.bit_pos_to_kind = {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: True, 4: False} trols1.refresh_lists() wr.write_controlled_multiplexor_gate(tar_bit_pos, trols1, [ang_rads/3, ang_rads*2/3, ang_rads, ang_rads*4/3]) trols2 = Controls(num_qbits) trols2.bit_pos_to_kind = {1: 0, 2: 1} trols2.refresh_lists() wr.write_multiplexor_gate(tar_bit_pos, trols2, [ang_rads/3, ang_rads*2/3, ang_rads, ang_rads*4/3]) wr.close_files() main()