Source code for qubiter.UnitaryMat

import numpy as np
from qubiter.OneQubitGate import *

[docs]class UnitaryMat: """ This class contains only static methods and no constructor. It contains some functions associated with unitary matrices. Note that any numpy array called arr can be saved and loaded from a text file called file_name using np.savetxt(file_name, arr) and arr = np.loadtxt(file_name) """
[docs] @staticmethod def is_unitary(arr): """ Returns True iff arr is a numpy array that represents a unitary matrix. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- bool """ num_rows = arr.shape[0] assert arr.shape == (num_rows, num_rows) err = np.linalg.norm(, arr.conj().T) - np.identity(num_rows)) return err < 1e-6
[docs] @staticmethod def global_phase_rads(arr): """ Assuming that arr is a unitary matrix, this function returns delta such that arr = exp(i*delta) arr1, where arr1 is a special unitary matrix (det(arr1) = 1). Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- float """ det = np.linalg.det(arr) c = det.real s = det.imag num_rows = arr.shape[0] return np.arctan2(s, c)/num_rows
[docs] @staticmethod def u2_from_params(delta, rot_rads, unit_vec): """ This function returns a numpy array arr = exp(i*delta)exp( i*rot_rads*sig_w) such that unit_vec = [wx, wy, wz] is a unit vector and sig_w = wx*sigx + wy*sigy + wz*sigz. params_from_u2() maps arr -> (delta, rot_rads, unit_vec). This function maps (delta, rot_rads, unit_vec) -> arr so it is the inverse of params_from_u2(). But be careful, because delta, rot_rads are not single valued, they are only valid mod 2*pi. Parameters ---------- delta : float rot_rads : float unit_vec : list[float] Returns ------- np.ndarray """ x_rads = rot_rads*unit_vec[0] y_rads = rot_rads*unit_vec[1] z_rads = rot_rads*unit_vec[2] arr = np.exp(1j*delta)*OneQubitGate.rot(x_rads, y_rads, z_rads) return arr
[docs] @staticmethod def params_from_u2(arr): """ Assuming that arr is a U(2) matrix, this function returns the parameters (delta, rot_rads, unit_vec) such that arr = exp( i*delta)exp( i*rot_rads*sig_w) such that unit_vec = [wx, wy, wz] is a unit vector and sig_w = wx*sigx + wy*sigy + wz*sigz. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- float, float, list[float] """ delta = UnitaryMat.global_phase_rads(arr) arr1 = arr/np.exp(1j*delta) cw = arr1[0, 0].real wx = arr1[0, 1].imag wy = arr1[0, 1].real wz = arr1[0, 0].imag sw = np.sqrt(wx**2 + wy**2 + wz**2) wx /= sw wy /= sw wz /= sw rot_rads = np.arctan2(sw, cw) unit_vec = [wx, wy, wz] return delta, rot_rads, unit_vec
[docs] @staticmethod def u2_zyz_decomp(arr): """ Assuming that arr is a U(2) matrix, this function returns (delta, left_rads, center_rads, right_rads) such that arr = exp(i*delta)* exp(i*left_rads*sigz) exp(i*center_rads*sigy) exp(i*right_rads*sigz) If change axes by x->y, y->z, z->x, get xzx decomp with same angles. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- float, float, float, float """ delta, rot_rads, unit_vec = UnitaryMat.params_from_u2(arr) [wx, wy, wz] = unit_vec sw = np.sin(rot_rads) cw = np.cos(rot_rads) theta1 = np.arctan2(wz*sw, cw) theta2 = np.arctan2(wx, wy) left_rads = (theta1 + theta2)/2 right_rads = (theta1 - theta2)/2 center_rads = np.arctan2(sw*np.sqrt(wx**2 + wy**2), np.sqrt(cw**2 + (wz*sw)**2)) return delta, left_rads, center_rads, right_rads
if __name__ == "__main__": from qubiter.FouSEO_writer import * def main(): unit_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3]) unit_vec = unit_vec/np.linalg.norm(unit_vec) unit_vec = list(unit_vec) delta = 3 rot_rads = .3 print("delta in=", delta) print("rot_rads in=", rot_rads) print("unit_vec in=", unit_vec) arr_in = UnitaryMat.u2_from_params(delta, rot_rads, unit_vec) print("arr_in:\n", arr_in) delta1, rot_rads1, unit_vec1 = UnitaryMat.params_from_u2(arr_in) print("delta out=", delta1) print("rot_rads out=", rot_rads1) print("unit_vec out=", unit_vec1) arr_out = UnitaryMat.u2_from_params(delta1, rot_rads1, unit_vec1) print("arr_out=\n", arr_out) delta, left_rads, center_rads, right_rads =\ UnitaryMat.u2_zyz_decomp(arr_in) c = np.cos(center_rads) s = np.sin(center_rads) a = np.exp(1j*left_rads) ah = np.conj(a) b = np.exp(1j*right_rads) bh = np.conj(b) arr = np.empty((2, 2), dtype=complex) arr[0, 0] = c*a*b arr[0, 1] = s*a*bh arr[1, 0] = -s*ah*b arr[1, 1] = c*ah*bh arr = np.exp(1j*delta)*arr print("zyz decomp arr=\n", arr) main()