Source code for qubiter.device_specific.ForbiddenCNotExpander

import networkx as nx

import qubiter.device_specific.utilities_ds as uds
from qubiter.Controls import *
from qubiter.EchoingSEO_reader import *

[docs]class ForbiddenCNotExpander(EchoingSEO_reader): """ Most chips are not fully connected (not all pairs of qubits are physically connected). Furthermore, even if two qubits are connected, one of them may be disallowed, forbidden, as a target of a CNOT between the 2 qubits. This class is designed to circumvent this chip limitation. This class is a child of the class EchoingSEO_reader. It is one of several expander classes that replace certain single gates by expansions (sequences) of other gates. The class reads an English file and outputs a new English file and corresponding Picture file. The new English file echoes every line of the original English file except for those lines which are SIGX with one or more controls. If this class reads a line which is a SIGX with > 1 controls, it outputs an error message. In such a case, you should use the class CGateExpander first to expand such gates into single qubit rotations and simple CNOTs with a single control. If this class reads a line which is a SIGX with a single control, it echoes it if such a CNOT is allowed according to the input list 'c_to_tars'. Otherwise, it replaces the disallowed (a.k.a., forbidden, unphysical, between disconnected qubits) CNOT by a sequence of Hadamards and allowed, elementary CNOTs. Next we explain the expansion used by this class to replace forbidden CNOTs. Let us denote a CNot with control a and target b by C(a->b)=C(a, b) Note that if C(a, b) is forbidden but C(b, a) is allowed, we can express the forbidden one in terms of the allowed one and four Hadamard matrices using the identity (X is the target SIGX and @ is the True control):: X---@ equals:: H H @---X H H Note that:: X---+---@ equals:: X---@ | | X---@ X---@ | | X---@ equals:: | X---@ X---@ | | X---@ X---@ | One can generalize the previous identity as follows:: X---+---+---@ equals:: X---+---@ | | | X---@ X---+---@ | | | X---@ equals:: | X---@ | X---@ | | | X---@ | X---@ | | | | X---@ X---@ | | | X---@ | X---@ | | | X---@ | | | X---@ equals (cancel two internal CNots):: | X---@ | X---@ | | | X---@ | | | X---@ | X---@ | X---@ | | | X---@ | | | X---@ One can generalize the previous identity as follows:: X---+---+---+---@ equals:: | | X---@ | | X---@ | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | X---@ | | X---@ | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ In general, let's define a composite V gate (called V because it looks like a V lying on its side) as follows:: V(0->4) = | | | X---@ | | X---@ | | X---@ | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ | | | | X---@ Above, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 can be replaced by any other distinct qubits. Also, on can define an analogous V for any number >= 2 of qubits. If:: C(0->4)= X---+---+---+---@ then we proved above that:: C(0->4)= V(0->4)V(1->4) In fact, we also proved:: C(0->j)= V(0->j)V(1->j) for j = 2, 3, 4, ... We like to refer to the last equation as the vv expansion of C(0->j). In this class, we expand a forbidden CNot C(trol->targ) using the last equation with the qubit positions 0, 1, 2, ..., j in the last equation mapped in a 1-1 onto fashion to qubit positions along a path of qubits connecting the two qubits trol and targ. The path is found by calling the python networkx function that yields the shortest path between two nodes of an undirected graph G. We let G be the undirected graph that has as edges all pairs of qubits that are coupled according to the input `c_to_tars`. Attributes ---------- c_to_tars : dict[int, list[int]] a dictionary mapping j in range(num_qbits) to a list, possibly empty, of the physically allowed targets of qubit j, when j is the control of a CNOT. graph : networkx.Graph A networkx undirected graph derived from `c_to_tars` by taking all items in get_dir_edges_from_c_to_tars(c_to_tars) as edges. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, c_to_tars): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int c_to_tars : dict[int, list[int]] Returns ------- """ self.c_to_tars = c_to_tars self.graph = nx.Graph() dir_edges = uds.get_dir_edges_from_c_to_tars(c_to_tars) self.graph.add_edges_from(dir_edges) # print("graph", self.graph.edges()) out_file_prefix = SEO_reader.xed_file_prefix(file_prefix) emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) wr = SEO_writer(out_file_prefix, emb) EchoingSEO_reader.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, wr) self.wr.close_files()
[docs] def edge_type(self, x, y): """ Returns 0 if C(x->y) and C(y->x) are both allowed. Returns 1 if C(x->y) but not C(y->x) are allowed. Returns -1 if C(y->x) but not C(x->y) are allowed. Returns error message if neither is allowed. Parameters ---------- x : int y : int Returns ------- int """ pos = y in self.c_to_tars[x] neg = x in self.c_to_tars[y] if pos and neg: ty = 0 elif pos: ty = 1 elif neg: ty = -1 else: assert False return ty
[docs] def get_symbolic_vv_expansion(self, trol_pos, targ_pos): """ This function returns a list called `expansion`. The items in `expansion` can be either a tuple (int, int) or a tuple (int, bool). A tuple (c, t): (int, int) signifies a CNot with control c and target t. A tuple (k, keep): (int, bool) signifies a Hadamard matrix at qubit k and whether to keep it or not--not if it cancels another Hadamard. This symbolic expansion is supposed to replace a CNot trol_pos->targ_pos. Parameters ---------- trol_pos : int targ_pos : int Returns ------- list[tuple(int, int)|tuple(int, bool)] """ path = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, trol_pos, targ_pos) expansion = [] def do_v(start_bit, end_bit): for j in range(start_bit, end_bit): ty = self.edge_type(path[j], path[j+1]) # print(path[j], '->', path[j+1], 'ty=', ty) if ty in [0, 1]: # CNot(path[j]->path[j+1]) is allowed expansion.append((path[j], path[j+1])) else: # CNot(path[j]->path[j+1]) is not allowed so reverse it expansion.extend([ (path[j], True), (path[j+1], True), (path[j+1], path[j]), (path[j+1], True), (path[j], True)]) for j in reversed(range(start_bit, end_bit-1)): ty = self.edge_type(path[j], path[j+1]) # print(path[j], '->', path[j+1], 'ty=', ty) if ty in [0, 1]: # CNot(path[j]->path[j+1]) is allowed expansion.append((path[j], path[j+1])) else: # CNot(path[j]->path[j+1]) is not allowed so reverse it expansion.extend([ (path[j], True), (path[j+1], True), (path[j+1], path[j]), (path[j+1], True), (path[j], True)]) do_v(1, len(path)-1) # small v do_v(0, len(path)-1) # large v # now cancel out (set keep to false) # Hadamard pairs that have "air" in between for j, ej in enumerate(expansion): if isinstance(ej[1], bool) and ej[1]: # print("-----------j,ej", j, ej) for k in range(j+1, len(expansion)): ek = expansion[k] # print("k, ek", k, ek) # a bool is an int as far as isinstance() is concerned # but an int is not a bool if isinstance(ek[1], bool): if ek[1] and (ek[0] == ej[0]): # print("b2", k) expansion[j] = (ej[0], False) expansion[k] = (ek[0], False) break else: # if ek[1] is int if ej[0] in ek: # print("b1", k) break return expansion
[docs] def use_SIG(self, axis, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ This function overrides echoing function in parent class EchoingSEO_reader. Parameters ---------- axis : int tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert len(controls.bit_pos) <= 1, "Found gate with >= 2 controls" if len(controls.bit_pos) == 0: EchoingSEO_reader.use_SIG(self, axis, tar_bit_pos, controls) return # number of controls is 1 from here on assert axis == 1, "Found sigy, or sigz with one control" assert controls.kinds[0], "Found sigx with False control" trol_bit_pos = controls.bit_pos[0] sym_exp = self.get_symbolic_vv_expansion(trol_bit_pos, tar_bit_pos) # print("expansion", trol_bit_pos, tar_bit_pos, sym_exp) for x in sym_exp: if isinstance(x[1], bool): if x[1]: self.wr.write_one_qbit_gate(x[0], OneQubitGate.had2) else: # x[1] is int self.wr.write_cnot(x[0], x[1])
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): import qubiter.device_specific.chip_couplings_ibm as ibm file_prefix = "forbidden_cnots_ibm" print(file_prefix) num_qbits = 5 c_to_tars = ibm.ibmq5YorktownTenerife_c_to_tars ForbiddenCNotExpander(file_prefix, num_qbits, c_to_tars) file_prefix = "forbidden_cnots1" print(file_prefix) num_qbits = 4 c_to_tars = {0: [1], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: []} ForbiddenCNotExpander(file_prefix, num_qbits, c_to_tars) main()