Source code for qubiter.device_specific.Qubiter_to_RigettiPyQuil

from qubiter.device_specific.Qubiter_to_AnyQasm import *
import qubiter.device_specific.chip_couplings_rigetti as cc
import qubiter.utilities_gen as utg

[docs]class Qubiter_to_RigettiPyQuil(Qubiter_to_AnyQasm): """ See docstring of parent class Qubiter_to_AnyQasm. If input c_to_tars = None, all CNOTs allowed. References ---------- 1. Attributes ---------- """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int Returns ------- """ Qubiter_to_AnyQasm.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_prelude(self): """ Writes PyQuil opening statements before calls to use_ methods for gates. Returns ------- None """ s = 'from pyquil import Program, get_qc\n' s += 'from pyquil.gates import *\n\n\n' s += 'pg = Program()\n' for var_num in self.all_var_nums: vname = self.vprefix + str(var_num) s += vname s += ' = pg.declare("' s += vname s += '", memory_type="REAL")\n' s += 'ro = pg.declare("ro", memory_type="BIT", memory_size=' s += str(self.num_qbits) s += ')' self.write(s + '\n')
[docs] def write_ending(self): """ Writes PyQuil ending statements after calls to use_ methods for gates. Returns ------- None """ self.write('\n') s = '' for k in range(self.num_qbits): s += 'pg.MEASURE(' s += str(k) s += ', ro[' s += str(k) s += '])\n' s = s.strip() self.write(s)
[docs] def use_HAD2(self, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: HAD2 with no controls. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert len(controls.bit_pos) == 0 self.aqasm_out.write("pg += H(" + str(tar_bit_pos) + ")\n") if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, OneQubitGate.had2)
[docs] def use_NOTA(self, bla_str): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: NOTA Parameters ---------- bla_str : str Returns ------- None """ self.aqasm_out.write("# " + bla_str + "\n") if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_NOTA(bla_str)
[docs] def use_PHAS(self, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ If called for a controlled phase, this function will halt execution of program. If it's just a global phase with no controls, the function will comment the phase out in the output files (PyQuil and output Qubiter English and Picture files.) and move on to the next line. Parameters ---------- angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ def degs_str(x): return x if isinstance(x, str) else str(x*180/np.pi) if controls.bit_pos_to_kind: assert False, "No PHAS lines with controls allowed" else: bla_str = 'PHAS\t' + degs_str(angle_rads) +\ '\tAT\t' + str(tar_bit_pos) self.aqasm_out.write("# " + bla_str + "\n") if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_NOTA(bla_str)
[docs] def use_P_PH(self, projection_bit, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: P0PH or P1PH with 0 or 1 controls. Parameters ---------- projection_bit : int angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert not self.strict_mode num_trols = len(controls.bit_pos) assert num_trols in [0, 1] line_str = "pg += " if num_trols == 0: assert projection_bit == 1, \ 'exp(j*P_0*alp) not implemented in pyquil. ' +\ 'You can use exp(j*P_0*alp)=sig_x*exp(j*P_1*alp)*sig_x' line_str += 'PHASE(' else: # num_trols == 1 trol_bit_pos = controls.bit_pos[0] trol_type = controls.bit_pos_to_kind[trol_bit_pos] second_bit = 1 if trol_type else 0 if projection_bit == 0: if second_bit == 0: line_str += 'CPHASE00(' else: line_str += 'CPHASE01(' elif projection_bit == 1: if second_bit == 0: line_str += 'CPHASE10(' else: line_str += 'CPHASE(' else: assert False if isinstance(angle_rads, float): quil_rads = angle_rads elif isinstance(angle_rads, str): quil_rads = self.new_var_name(angle_rads) else: assert False line_str += str(quil_rads) if num_trols == 0: line_str += ', ' + str(tar_bit_pos) else: # num_trols == 1: line_str += ', ' + str(controls.bit_pos[0]) line_str += ', ' + str(tar_bit_pos) line_str += ")\n" self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: if projection_bit == 0: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac elif projection_bit == 1: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac else: assert False self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( tar_bit_pos, controls, u2_fun, [angle_rads])
[docs] def use_PRINT(self, style, line_num): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: PRINT Parameters ---------- style : str line_num : int Returns ------- None """ str1 = 'PRINT\t' + style self.aqasm_out.write("# " + str1 + "\n") if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_NOTA(str1)
[docs] def use_ROTA(self, axis, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: ROTX, ROTY or ROTZ with no controls. Parameters ---------- axis : int angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert len(controls.bit_pos) == 0 line_str = "pg += " if axis == 1: line_str += "RX(" elif axis == 2: line_str += "RY(" elif axis == 3: line_str += "RZ(" else: assert False if isinstance(angle_rads, float): quil_rads = angle_rads*(-2) elif isinstance(angle_rads, str): quil_rads = self.new_var_name(angle_rads, "*(-2)") else: assert False line_str += str(quil_rads) + ', ' line_str += str(tar_bit_pos) + ")\n" self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [angle_rads, axis])
[docs] def use_ROTN(self, angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: ROTN with no controls. Parameters ---------- angle_x_rads : float angle_y_rads : float angle_z_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert len(controls.bit_pos) == 0 rad_ang_list = [angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads] assert utg.all_floats(rad_ang_list), \ "With Pyquil, ROTN with any of its 3 angles variable is " +\ "not allowed. Workaround: can use 3 rotations of type " +\ "Rx, Ry or Rz with variable angles." arr = OneQubitGate.rot(*rad_ang_list) delta, left_rads, center_rads, right_rads = \ UnitaryMat.u2_zyz_decomp(arr) end_str = ', ' + str(tar_bit_pos) + ')\n' line_str = 'pg += RZ(' + str(-2*right_rads) + end_str self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) line_str = 'pg += RY(' + str(-2*center_rads) + end_str self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) line_str = 'pg += RZ(' + str(-2*left_rads) + end_str self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [right_rads, 3]) self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [center_rads, 2]) self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [left_rads, 3])
[docs] def use_SIG(self, axis, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: SIGX, SIGY or SIGZ with no controls, or else SIGX with one True control (i.e., simple CNOT). Parameters ---------- axis : int tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ num_trols = len(controls.bit_pos) assert num_trols in [0, 1] if num_trols == 1: assert axis == 1 assert controls.bit_pos_to_kind[controls.bit_pos[0]] == True if num_trols == 0: line_str = "pg += " if axis == 1: line_str += "X(" elif axis == 2: line_str += "Y(" elif axis == 3: line_str += "Z(" else: assert False line_str += str(tar_bit_pos) + ")\n" self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: if axis == 1: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigx elif axis == 2: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigy elif axis == 3: u2_fun = OneQubitGate.sigz else: assert False self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, u2_fun) else: # num_trols == 1 tar_pos = tar_bit_pos trol_pos = controls.bit_pos[0] if not self.c_to_tars or tar_pos in self.c_to_tars[trol_pos]: line_str = 'pg += CNOT(' line_str += str(trol_pos) + ', ' line_str += str(tar_pos) + ')\n' self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_cnot(trol_pos, tar_pos) else: assert False, "Forbidden CNOT detected: " \ + str(trol_pos) + "->" + str(tar_pos) \ + " in line " + str(self.line_count) \ + ". Use class ForbiddenCNotExpander " \ + "before attempting translation to PyQuil."
[docs] def use_SWAP(self, bit1, bit2, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: SWAP with no controls. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert not self.strict_mode assert len(controls.bit_pos) == 0 line_str = 'pg += SWAP(' + \ str(bit1) + ", " + str(bit2) + ")\n" self.aqasm_out.write(line_str) if self.write_qubiter_files: self.qbtr_wr.write_controlled_qbit_swap(bit1, bit2, controls)
[docs] def use_U_2_(self, rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Writes line in PyQuil file corresponding to an English file line of type: U_2_ with no controls. Parameters ---------- rads0 : float rads1 : float rads2 : float rads3 : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert len(controls.bit_pos) == 0 # we drop global phase self.use_ROTN(rads1, rads2, rads3, tar_bit_pos, controls)
if __name__ == "__main__": import qubiter.device_specific.chip_couplings_rigetti as rig def main(): file_prefix = "qbtr2rigetti_test" aqasm_name = 'RigPyQuil' num_qbits = 6 c_to_tars = rig.rigetti20_c_to_tars Qubiter_to_RigettiPyQuil(file_prefix, num_qbits, aqasm_name=aqasm_name, c_to_tars=c_to_tars, write_qubiter_files=True) main()