Source code for qubiter.quantum_CSD_compiler.CS_Decomp

import math
import cuncsd_sq as csd
from qubiter.UnitaryMat import *

[docs]class CS_Decomp:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_csd(unitary_mats): """ This function does a CS (cosine-sine) decomposition (by calling the LAPACK function cuncsd.f. The old C++ Qubiter called zggsvd.f instead) of each unitary matrix in the list of arrays unitary_mats. This function is called by the constructor of the class Node and is fundamental for decomposing a unitary matrix into multiplexors and diagonal unitaries. Parameters ---------- unitary_mats : list(np.ndarray) Returns ------- list(np.ndarray), list(np.ndarray), list(np.ndarray) """ block_size = unitary_mats[0].shape[0] num_mats = len(unitary_mats) for mat in unitary_mats: assert mat.shape == (block_size, block_size) if block_size == 1: left_mats = None right_mats = None vec = np.array([unitary_mats[k][0, 0] for k in range(0, num_mats)]) vec1 = vec[0] * np.ones((num_mats,)) if np.linalg.norm(vec - vec1) < 1e-6: central_mats = None else: c_vec = np.real(vec) s_vec = np.imag(vec) central_mats = np.arctan2(s_vec, c_vec) else: # Henning Dekant constructed a python wrapper for LAPACK's cuncsd.f # via the python application f2py. Thanks Henning! # In[2]: import cuncsd # In[3]: print(cuncsd.cuncsd.__doc__) # x11,x12,x21,x22,theta,u1,u2,v1t,v2t,work,rwork,iwork,info = # cuncsd(p,x11,x12,x21,x22,lwork,lrwork, # [jobu1,jobu2,jobv1t,jobv2t,trans,signs,m,q, # ldx11,ldx12,ldx21,ldx22,ldu1,ldu2,ldv1t,ldv2t,credit]) # # Wrapper for ``cuncsd``. # # Parameters # ---------- # p : input int # x11 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x12 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x21 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x22 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # lwork : input int # lrwork : input int # # Other Parameters # ---------------- # jobu1 : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'Y' # jobu2 : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'Y' # jobv1t : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'Y' # jobv2t : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'Y' # trans : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'T' # signs : input string(len=1), optional # Default: 'O' # m : input int, optional # Default: 2*p # q : input int, optional # Default: p # ldx11 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldx12 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldx21 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldx22 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldu1 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldu2 : input int, optional # Default: p # ldv1t : input int, optional # Default: p # ldv2t : input int, optional # Default: p # credit : input int, optional # Default: 0 # # Returns # ------- # x11 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x12 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x21 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # x22 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # theta : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (p) # u1 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # u2 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # v1t : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # v2t : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p) # work : rank-1 array('F') with bounds (abs(lwork)) # rwork : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (abs(lrwork)) # iwork : rank-1 array('i') with bounds (p) # info : int left_mats = [] central_mats = [] right_mats = [] for mat in unitary_mats: dim = mat.shape[0] assert dim % 2 == 0 hdim = dim >> 1 # half dimension p = hdim # x11 = np.copy(mat[0:hdim, 0:hdim], 'C') # x12 = np.copy(mat[0:hdim, hdim:dim], 'C') # x21 = np.copy(mat[hdim:dim, 0:hdim], 'C') # x22 = np.copy(mat[hdim:dim, hdim:dim], 'C') x11 = mat[0:hdim, 0:hdim] x12 = mat[0:hdim, hdim:dim] x21 = mat[hdim:dim, 0:hdim] x22 = mat[hdim:dim, hdim:dim] # print('mat\n', mat) # print('x11\n', x11) # print('x12\n', x12) # print('x21\n', x21) # print('x22\n', x22) x11, x12, x21, x22, theta, u1, u2, v1t, v2t, \ work, rwork, iwork, info = \ csd.cuncsd(p, x11, x12, x21, x22, lwork=-1, lrwork=-1, trans='F') # print('x11\n', x11) # print('x12\n', x12) # print('x21\n', x21) # print('x22\n', x22) lw = math.ceil(work[0].real) lrw = math.ceil(rwork[0].real) # print("work query:", lw) # print("rwork query:", lrw) x11, x12, x21, x22, theta, u1, u2, v1t, v2t, \ work, rwork, iwork, info = \ csd.cuncsd(p, x11, x12, x21, x22, lwork=lw, lrwork=lrw, trans='F') # print('info', info) # print('u1 continguous', u1.flags.contiguous) # u1 = np.ascontiguousarray(u1) # u2 = np.ascontiguousarray(u2) # v1t = np.ascontiguousarray(v1t) # v2t = np.ascontiguousarray(v2t) # print('u1 continguous', u1.flags.contiguous) left_mats.append(u1) left_mats.append(u2) central_mats.append(theta) right_mats.append(v1t) right_mats.append(v2t) return left_mats, central_mats, right_mats
if __name__ == "__main__": from qubiter.FouSEO_writer import * from qubiter.quantum_CSD_compiler.MultiplexorSEO_writer import * def main(): print("\ncs decomp example-------------") num_qbits = 2 num_rows = 1 << num_qbits mat = FouSEO_writer.fourier_trans_mat(num_rows) assert UnitaryMat.is_unitary(mat) left_mats, central_mats, right_mats = CS_Decomp.get_csd([mat]) # print('left mats\n', left_mats) # print('central_mats\n', central_mats) # print('right_mats\n', right_mats) left = np.zeros((num_rows, num_rows), dtype=complex) half_nrows = num_rows // 2 left[0:half_nrows, 0:half_nrows] = left_mats[0] left[half_nrows:num_rows, half_nrows:num_rows] = left_mats[1] # print('left', left) right = np.zeros((num_rows, num_rows), dtype=complex) right[0:half_nrows, 0:half_nrows] = right_mats[0] right[half_nrows:num_rows, half_nrows:num_rows] = right_mats[1] center = MultiplexorSEO_writer.mp_mat(central_mats[0]) # print('center', center) mat_prod =, center), right) # print('mat\n', mat) # print('mat_prod\n', mat_prod) err = np.linalg.norm(mat - mat_prod) print('err=', err) main()