Source code for qubiter.quantum_CSD_compiler.DiagUnitaryExpander

from qubiter.CktEmbedder import *  # if don't include this, can't find Controls
from qubiter.EchoingSEO_reader import *
from qubiter.quantum_CSD_compiler.DiagUnitarySEO_writer import *
import qubiter.utilities_gen as utg

[docs]class DiagUnitaryExpander(EchoingSEO_reader): """ This class is a child of EchoingSEO_reader. The class reads any previously created Qubiter English file and it writes new English & Picture files wherein every line of the original English file that doesn't start with DIAG (diagonal unitary, aka d-unitary) is echoed faithfully whereas lines which do start with DIAG are expanded via class DiagUnitarySEO_writer into a sequence in the style specified as input to the class constructor. So, to expand English & Picture files that contain DIAG and MP_Y lines into just CNOTs and qubit rotations, first use this class and the analogous one for MP_Y, then use class CGateExpander. If the input English file has in_file_prefix as file prefix, then the output English & Picture files have as file prefix in_file_prefix + '_X1', assuming that '_X' + str(k) for some integer k is not already the ending of in_file_prefix. If it is, then the ending is changed to '_X' + str( k+1). Attributes ---------- gbit_list : list(int)|None Only needed for some expansion styles, this is a list of grounded bits style : str """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, style, gbit_list=None, vars_manager=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int style : str gbit_list : list(int) Returns ------- """ self.gbit_list = gbit_list = style if gbit_list: num_gbits = len(gbit_list) else: num_gbits = 0 # default embedder and rad_angles emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) rad_angles = None out_file_prefix = SEO_reader.xed_file_prefix(file_prefix) wr = DiagUnitarySEO_writer(out_file_prefix, emb, style, rad_angles, num_gbits=num_gbits) # We set the flag eval_all_vars to False but check inside use_ method # that it has non-string arguments vman = PlaceholderManager(eval_all_vars=False) EchoingSEO_reader.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, wr, vars_manager=vman, **kwargs) self.wr.close_files()
[docs] def emb_for_du(self, controls): """ This is an internal function used inside the function use_DIAG(). This function returns emb, nt, nf to be used as arguments of a DiagUnitarySEO_writer that will be used to expand the DIAG line currently being considered. emb is a circuit embedder, nt is the number of T bits and nf is the number of F bits detected in the input argument 'controls'. Parameters ---------- controls : Controls controls of the DIAG currently being considered. Returns ------- CktEmbedder, int, int """ T_bpos = [] F_bpos = [] MP_bpos = [] for bpos, kind in controls.bit_pos_to_kind.items(): # bool is subclass of int # so isinstance(x, int) will be true if x is bool! if isinstance(kind, bool): if kind: T_bpos.append(bpos) else: F_bpos.append(bpos) else: MP_bpos.append(bpos) T_bpos.sort() F_bpos.sort() MP_bpos.sort() if self.gbit_list: g_bpos = self.gbit_list.sort() else: g_bpos = [] bit_map = T_bpos + F_bpos + MP_bpos + g_bpos # print("bit_map", bit_map) assert len(bit_map) == len(set(bit_map)),\ "bits used to define d-unitary are not unique" assert len(bit_map) <= self.num_qbits nt = len(T_bpos) nf = len(F_bpos) emb = CktEmbedder(self.num_qbits, self.num_qbits, bit_map) return emb, nt, nf
[docs] def use_DIAG(self, controls, rad_angles): """ This is an override of a function in the parent class EchoingSEO_reader. This is the only use_ function of this class that doesn't simply echo its input line. This function does most of its work inside the DiagUnitary_SEO_writer.write() function that it calls. Parameters ---------- controls : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- None """ # the flag eval_all_vars = False so should check this assert utg.all_floats(rad_angles) emb, nt, nf = self.emb_for_du(controls) self.wr.emb = emb self.wr.rad_angles = rad_angles self.wr.num_T_trols = nt self.wr.num_F_trols = nf # style and num_gbits for wr are set by constructor self.wr.write() # revert to default embedder self.wr.emb = CktEmbedder(self.num_qbits, self.num_qbits)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): num_qbits = 6 file_prefix = "d_unitary_test_one_line" style = 'exact' xer = DiagUnitaryExpander(file_prefix, num_qbits, style) main()