Source code for qubiter.quantum_CSD_compiler.MultiplexorSEO_writer

import qubiter.utilities_gen as ut
from qubiter.SEO_writer import *
from qubiter.HadamardTransform import *
from qubiter.SEO_MatrixProduct import *
from qubiter.BitVector import *

[docs]class MultiplexorSEO_writer(SEO_writer): """ A multiplexor is a matrix of the form [ cc, ss] [-ss, cc] where cc and ss are square diagonal matrices, both of the same dimension, satisfying cc^2 + ss^2=1. A multiplexor gate can be represent in an English file by a single line starting with MP_Y. This class is a child of SEO_writer. It adds to its parent class the ability to write a multiplexor gate in various styles. When style = 'one_line', this class writes a multiplexor as a single line in an English file, the same away the parent class SEO_writer would write it. When style = 'exact', this class writes a multiplexor as a SEO expansion occupying multiple lines of an English file. For this style, the class writes an exact expansion described in Refs. 1 and 2 below. When style = 'oracular', this class writes a multiplexor as a SEO expansion occupying multiple lines of an English file. For this style, the class writes an approximation (called the "oracular approximation") described in Ref.3 below. Actually, this class can write more than a mere multiplexor. It can write a controlled multiplexor too, meaning it can attach T or F controls to the intrinsic controls of the multiplexor. Those intrinsic controls are represented by percent signs in Picture files and by "half moon" nodes in the arxiv papers cited below. In class Controls, T controls are of kind True, F controls are of kind False, and intrinsic controls are assigned an int for kind. It is important to note that the bits in the multiplexor being written will be in the following order, in order of increasing bit position: 1. T controls 2. F controls 3. intrinsic multiplexor controls 4. target bit of multiplexor 5. grounded bits, if any References ---------- 1. R.R. Tucci, A Rudimentary Quantum Compiler(2cnd Ed.) 2. R.R. Tucci, How to Compile Some NAND Formula Evaluators, 3. R.R. Tucci, Oracular Approximation of Quantum Multiplexors and Diagonal Unitary Matrices, Attributes ---------- num_of_F_trols : int The number of False controls of the controlled multiplexor num_gbits : int number of gbits (grounded bits). This is only needed for the oracular approximation. Grounded bits are extra ancilla bits that have been initialized to the ground state (state ``|0>``). num_of_T_trols : int The number of True controls of the controlled multiplexor rad_angles : list(float) list of angles in radians. These angles are the parameters specifying an MP_Y gate. If the MP_Y has N intrinsic controls, there are 2^N angles. style : str must equal either 'one_line', exact' or 'oracular'. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, emb, style, rad_angles=None, num_T_trols=0, num_F_trols=0, num_gbits=0, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str emb : CktEmbedder style : str rad_angles : list(float) num_T_trols : int num_F_trols : int num_gbits : int Returns ------- """ = style self.rad_angles = rad_angles if rad_angles: self.rad_angles = rad_angles self.num_T_trols = num_T_trols self.num_F_trols = num_F_trols self.num_gbits = 0 if style == 'oracular': self.num_gbits = num_gbits num_qbits = emb.num_qbits_bef assert num_qbits >= 2, "multiplexor must have at least 2 qubits" ntf = num_T_trols + num_F_trols num_MP_trols = num_qbits - ntf - num_gbits - 1 assert num_MP_trols > 0 if rad_angles: assert len(rad_angles) == (1 << num_MP_trols), \ "wrong number of multiplexor angles" SEO_writer.__init__(self, file_prefix, emb, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_one_line(self): """ Writes in English file a one line representation of the multiplexor. Returns ------- None """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_bef nt = self.num_T_trols nf = self.num_F_trols ntf = nt + nf num_MP_trols = num_qbits - ntf - self.num_gbits - 1 trols = Controls(num_qbits) trols.bit_pos_to_kind = dict(enumerate( [True]*nt + [False]*nf + list(range(num_MP_trols)) )) trols.refresh_lists() tar_bit_pos = ntf + num_MP_trols self.write_controlled_multiplexor_gate(tar_bit_pos, trols, self.rad_angles)
[docs] def write_exact(self): """ Writes in English file a multiple line, exact representation of the multiplexor. Returns ------- None """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_bef nt = self.num_T_trols nf = self.num_F_trols ntf = nt + nf num_MP_trols = num_qbits - ntf - self.num_gbits - 1 rads_arr = np.array(self.rad_angles) if np.linalg.norm(rads_arr) < 1e-6: print("unit multiplexor") return conj_rads =, rads_arr) num_factors = (1 << num_MP_trols) cur_bvec = BitVector(num_MP_trols+1, 0) # start at zero prev_bvec = BitVector(num_MP_trols+1, 0) TF_dict = dict(enumerate([True]*nt + [False]*nf)) trols1 = Controls(num_qbits) trols1.bit_pos_to_kind = TF_dict.copy() trols1.refresh_lists() trols2 = Controls(num_qbits) def write_cnots(diff_bvec1): prev_T_bit = num_MP_trols while True: cur_T_bit = diff_bvec1.find_T_bit_to_right_of(prev_T_bit) if cur_T_bit == -1: break trols2.bit_pos_to_kind = TF_dict.copy() trols2.bit_pos_to_kind[cur_T_bit + ntf] = True trols2.refresh_lists() self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( ntf + num_MP_trols, trols2, OneQubitGate.sigx) prev_T_bit = cur_T_bit norma = np.power(np.sqrt(2), num_MP_trols) f = 0 lazy = 0 while f < num_factors: rads = conj_rads[cur_bvec.dec_rep]/norma if abs(rads) < 1e-6: pass else: diff_bvec = BitVector.new_with_T_on_diff(cur_bvec, prev_bvec) write_cnots(diff_bvec) self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( ntf + num_MP_trols, trols1, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [rads, 2]) prev_bvec = BitVector.copy(cur_bvec) f, lazy = BitVector.lazy_advance(f, lazy) cur_bvec.dec_rep = lazy # Don't forget the leftmost c-nots: diff_bvec = prev_bvec write_cnots(diff_bvec)
[docs] def write_oracular(self): """ Writes in English file a multiple line, approximate representation of the multiplexor. Returns ------- """ num_qbits = self.emb.num_qbits_bef nt = self.num_T_trols nf = self.num_F_trols ntf = nt + nf num_MP_trols = num_qbits - ntf - self.num_gbits - 1 bit_precision = self.num_gbits num_angles = len(self.rad_angles) ang_bools = [True]*num_angles TF_dict = dict(enumerate([True]*nt + [False]*nf)) side_trols = Controls(num_qbits) center_trols = Controls(num_qbits) def write_omega(tar_bit_pos, ang_bools1): for bit in range(num_angles): if ang_bools1[bit]: side_trols.bit_pos_to_kind = { c + ntf: ((bit >> c) & 1) == 1 for c in range(num_MP_trols) } side_trols.bit_pos_to_kind.update(TF_dict) side_trols.refresh_lists() self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( tar_bit_pos, side_trols, OneQubitGate.sigx) bit_pos = ntf + num_MP_trols # this is the target of Ry, gbits follow for k in range(1, bit_precision+1): bit_pos += 1 center_trols.bit_pos_to_kind = {bit_pos: True} center_trols.bit_pos_to_kind.update(TF_dict) center_trols.refresh_lists() for b in range(num_angles): # self.rad_angles in [-\pi, \pi] by now fraction = (self.rad_angles[b] + np.pi)/(2*np.pi) x = int(fraction*(1 << k)) # keep only int part ang_bools[b] = (x & 1 == 1) write_omega(bit_pos, ang_bools) self.write_controlled_one_qbit_gate( ntf + num_MP_trols, center_trols, OneQubitGate.rot_ax, [2*np.pi/(1 << k), 2]) write_omega(bit_pos, ang_bools)
[docs] def write(self): """ Main write function of this class. All other write functions are internal. This function writes a multiplexor in the style specified by the parameter Returns ------- None """ if all([abs(ang) < 1e-6 for ang in self.rad_angles]): print("unit multiplexor detected") return None if == 'one_line': self.write_one_line() elif == 'exact': self.write_exact() elif == 'oracular': self.write_oracular() else: assert False, "unsupported multiplexor expansion style"
[docs] @staticmethod def mp_mat(rad_angles, herm_conj=False): """ This function returns a numpy array with the multiplexor matrix [ cc, ss] [-ss, cc] in it, where cc (ss) is the component-wise cosine (sine) of rad_angles. Parameters ---------- rad_angles : list(float) herm_conj : bool When herm_conj=True, it uses ss = sine(-rad_angles), whereas if herm_conj=False, it uses ss = sine(+rad_angles) Returns ------- np.ndarray """ num_angles = len(rad_angles) num_rows = 2*num_angles mat = np.zeros((num_rows, num_rows)) sign = 1 if herm_conj: sign = -1 for k in range(num_angles): c = np.cos(rad_angles[k]) s = np.sin(rad_angles[k]) mat[k, k] = c mat[k+num_angles, k+num_angles] = c mat[k, k+num_angles] = sign*s mat[k+num_angles, k] = -sign*s return mat
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): nt = 1 nf = 2 num_MP_trols = 2 num_angles = (1 << num_MP_trols) rad_angles = list(np.random.rand(num_angles)*2*np.pi) for style in ['one_line', 'exact', 'oracular']: num_gbits = 0 if style == 'oracular': num_gbits = 3 num_qbits = nt + nf + num_MP_trols + 1 + num_gbits emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) file_prefix = "plexor_test_" + style wr = MultiplexorSEO_writer(file_prefix, emb, style, rad_angles, num_T_trols=nt, num_F_trols=nf, num_gbits=num_gbits) wr.write() wr.close_files() file_prefix = "plexor_exact_check" num_qbits = 4 num_angles = (1 << (num_qbits-1)) emb = CktEmbedder(num_qbits, num_qbits) rad_angles = list(np.random.rand(num_angles)*2*np.pi) wr = MultiplexorSEO_writer(file_prefix, emb, 'exact', rad_angles) wr.write() wr.close_files() matpro = SEO_MatrixProduct(file_prefix, num_qbits) exact_mat = MultiplexorSEO_writer.mp_mat(rad_angles) print("error=", np.linalg.norm(matpro.prod_arr - exact_mat)) main()