Source code for qubiter.utilities_gen

from functools import reduce
import os
import posixpath
import sys
if 'autograd.numpy' not in sys.modules:
    import numpy as np
    import autograd.numpy as np

# def centered_rads(ang_rads):
#     """
#     Takes any real number and returns a number between -pi and pi that is
#     equal to the original one mod 2pi.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     ang_rads : float
#         angle in radians
#     Returns
#     -------
#     float
#     """
#     ang_rads = np.fmod(ang_rads, 2*np.pi)
#     if ang_rads > np.pi:
#         ang_rads -= 2*np.pi
#     return ang_rads
# def centered_rads1(ang_rads_list):
#     """
#     Same as centered_rads() but for list
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     ang_rads_list : list[float]
#     Returns
#     -------
#     list[float]
#     """
#     return [centered_rads(ang) for ang in ang_rads_list]

[docs]def is_prob_dist(pd): """ Returns True iff pd is a probability distribution. Parameters ---------- pd : np.ndarray Returns ------- bool """ return abs(np.sum(pd)-1) < 1e-5
[docs]def increment_dict(di, key, inc, initial=0): """ Increments dictionary entry at position `key` by inc. If item at position key does not exist coming in, first creates one with value initial, then increments it by inc. Parameters ---------- di : dict[] key : inc : increment initial : Returns ------- """ if key not in di: di[key] = initial di[key] += inc
[docs]def is_arr(x): """ Returns True iff x is a numpy array. Parameters ---------- x : Returns ------- bool """ return isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
[docs]def is_diag_mat(arr): """ Returns True iff arr is numpy array for diagonal square matrix. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- bool """ assert is_arr(arr) num_rows = arr.shape[0] assert arr.shape == (num_rows, num_rows) # this extracts diagonal v, then # creates a diagonal matrix with v as diagonal arr1 = np.diag(np.diag(arr)) return np.linalg.norm(arr - arr1) < 1e-6
[docs]def is_const_mat(arr): """ Returns True iff arr is numpy array for constant square matrix. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- bool """ if not is_diag_mat(arr): return False num_rows = arr.shape[0] arr1 = arr[0, 0]*np.ones((num_rows,)) arr2 = np.diag(arr) return np.linalg.norm(arr1 - arr2) < 1e-6
[docs]def log_print(x): """ Prints file name of log_print() call, then file line of log_print() call, then x. Parameters ---------- x : object Returns ------- None """ from inspect import getframeinfo, stack caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0]) print(caller.filename, "line=", caller.lineno, ":\n", x)
[docs]def all_strings(li): """ Returns True iff all items in list are strings. Parameters ---------- li : list Returns ------- bool """ return all([isinstance(x, str) for x in li])
[docs]def all_floats(li): """ Returns True iff all items in list are floats. Parameters ---------- li : list Returns ------- bool """ return all([isinstance(x, float) for x in li])
[docs]def is_non_neg_int(s): """ Returns True iff string s is a non-negative number. Parameters ---------- s : str Returns ------- bool """ # s.isdigit() with s equal to # '0', '1', '001' gives True, # '-1', '1.' gives False if not s.isdigit(): return False if s[0] == '0' and len(s) > 1: return False return True
[docs]def scalar_prod(scalars_list): """ This method returns the product of the list of scalars which it has as input. Parameters ---------- scalars_list : list[int|float|complex] | tuple[int|float|complex] Returns ------- complex|float|int """ if len(scalars_list) == 1: return scalars_list[0] else: return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, scalars_list)
[docs]def kron_prod(mat_list): """ This method returns the Kronecker product of the list of matrices which it has as input. Parameters ---------- mat_list : list[np.ndarray] Returns ------- np.ndarray """ num_mats = len(mat_list) prod = mat_list[0] for k in range(1, num_mats, 1): prod = np.kron(prod, mat_list[k]) return prod
[docs]def get_eng_file_rel_path(file_prefix, num_qbits): """ Returns path to English file. Returns ------- str """ return file_prefix + '_' + str(num_qbits) +\ '_eng.txt'
[docs]def get_pic_file_rel_path(file_prefix, num_qbits, ZL=True): """ Returns path to Picture file. Returns ------- str """ return file_prefix + '_' + str(num_qbits) +\ ('_ZL' if ZL else '_ZF') + 'pic.txt'
[docs]def get_value(kwargs, key_str, default_val=None): """ Returns kwargs[key_str] if there is one. Else it returns default_val if there is one. Else aborts. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict[str, float] key_str : str default_val : float Returns ------- float """ if key_str in kwargs: return kwargs[key_str] elif default_val: return default_val else: assert False, "must pass-in keyword " + key_str +\ ' in ' + str(kwargs)
[docs]def find_path_to_qubiter(): """ Returns absolute path to this file. Returns ------ str """ from inspect import getsourcefile path = getsourcefile(find_path_to_qubiter) return posixpath.normpath(path)
[docs]def preface(a_str): """ Throughout Qubiter, the term `file_prefix` is used for files. If the file_prefix string starts with `_`, then the file is created with relative path equal to (hence, it shows up in the current working directory) `./file_prefix + ending` If file_prefix doesn't start with `_`, then the file is created with absolute path equal to (hence, it shows up in qubiter's io_folder) `absolute_path_to_io_folder/file_prefix + ending`. Given a_str, if it doesn't start with `_`, this method returns `absolute_path_to_io_folder/a_str`. Otherwise, this method just returns a_str. Parameters ---------- a_str : str Returns ------- str """ if a_str[0] == '_': return a_str # this is something/qubiter/qubiter/utilities_gen path1 = find_path_to_qubiter() # this is something/qubiter/qubiter path1 = os.path.split(path1)[0] # using os.path instead of posixpath led to errors in open(file_path) if # file_path had directories with blank spaces (whitespace) return posixpath.normpath(path1 + '/io_folder/' + a_str)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): print('---------------------') print(find_path_to_qubiter()) print(preface('A/B/')) main()