Source code for qubiter.SEO_simulator

import copy as cp
# import pprint as pp
from qubiter.SEO_reader import *
from qubiter.OneQubitGate import *
from qubiter.StateVec import *
# import utilities_gen as ut

import sys
if 'autograd.numpy' not in sys.modules:
    import numpy as np

[docs]class SEO_simulator(SEO_reader): """ This class simulates the evolution of a quantum state vector. This class has SEO_reader as a parent. Each line of an English file is read by the parent class and handed over to the use_ functions of this simulator class. The use_ functions multiply the current state vector by the unitary matrix that represents the latest line read. An initial state vector can be entered via the constructor or else it is set to the ground state automatically by the constructor. 3 kinds (called 0, 1, 2) of measurements MEAS are allowed. A type 0 measurement inserts a projector ``|0><0| = n = P_0`` at the target bit. A type 1 measurement inserts a projector ``|1><1| = nbar = P_1`` at the target bit. A type 2 measurement stores a copy of the state vector after ``|0><0|`` has been applied, and another copy after ``|1><1|`` has been applied. self.cur_st_vec_dict is a dictionary of strings (called branch keys) to state vectors StateVec on num_qbits qubits. We will refer to each state vec in the dict as a branch. Initially, this dict contains a single branch with branch key = "pure". A measurement MEAS of kinds 0 or 1 does not change the number of branches in the dict, but a measurement of kind 2 doubles their number. Note that since projectors are not unitary matrices, the branches of cur_st_vec_dict are not expected have normalized state vectors as values except when there is only a single branch. If cur_st_vec_dict contains as values the states ``|br0>, |br1>, |br2>, ...``, then one can construct the density matrix of that state as ``rho = |br0><br0| + |br1><br1| + |br2><br2| + ...`` divided by a number so that trace(rho)=1. In other words, cur_st_vec_dict is just a particular way of storing the density matrix of a state. A state with a single branch is a pure state, but a state with more than one branch may not be. An item of cur_st_vec_dict may be key=some string, value=None. This means the state vector of that branch is zero. Attributes ---------- cached_sts : dict[int, dict(str, StateVec)] A dictionary mapping an int to past values of self.cur_st_vec_dict. Used by use_PRINT() sometimes. cur_st_vec_dict : dict(str, StateVec) dictionary with key= branch_key string and value= StateVec|None. If there is a single item in dict, the dict represents a pure state and the key is "pure". If there is more than one item, the dict represents a mixed state and each branch key is a string that uniquely characterizes the measured controls. For example, if it has been measured previously (type 2 measurement only) that qubit 2 is True and qubit 4 is False, the branch key will be '4F2T'. lib : str tensor library. Either 'np' for numpy or 'tf' for tensorflow tensordot : function transpose : function use_tf : bool True iff using TensorFlow Eager. False by default """ # class variables transpose = np.transpose tensordot = np.tensordot reshape = np.reshape # rrtucci: combines my java classes: # LineList, UnitaryMat, SEO_readerMu
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, init_st_vec=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str num_qbits : int init_st_vec : StateVec Get this using the functions StateVec.get_ground_st_vec() or StateVec.get_standard_basis_st_vec(). Returns ------- """ if StateVec.is_zero(init_st_vec): init_st_vec = StateVec.get_ground_st_vec(num_qbits) self.cur_st_vec_dict = {"pure": init_st_vec} self.cached_sts = {} self.use_tf = False self.lib = 'np' self.do_more_init_before_reading() SEO_reader.__init__(self, file_prefix, num_qbits, **kwargs)
[docs] def do_more_init_before_reading(self): """ Stub. Called in SEO_simulator.__init__ immediately before calling SEO_reader.__init__ Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def branch_is_part_of_mcase(br_trols, case_trols): """ Returns True iff the controls br_trols defining a branch of self.cur_st_vec_dict agree with the controls case_trols defining a case measured. Parameters ---------- br_trols : Controls case_trols : Controls Returns ------- bool """ assert br_trols is not None assert case_trols is not None br_dict = br_trols.bit_pos_to_kind case_dict = case_trols.bit_pos_to_kind ans = True for bit in case_dict.keys(): if bit in br_dict.keys(): if case_dict[bit] != br_dict[bit]: ans = False break else: ans = False break # print('\n') # print('br_trols', br_trols.bit_pos_to_kind) # print('case_trols', case_trols.bit_pos_to_kind) # print(' is part of case', ans) return ans
[docs] def get_controls_from_br_key(self, br_key): """ Returns a Controls object built from br_key. br_key is assumed to be a str key for self.cur_st_vec_dict. Parameters ---------- br_key : str Returns ------- Controls """ assert br_key != "pure" x = br_key.replace("T", " T ") x = x.replace("F", " F ") li = x.split() # print("li", li) bit_pos = [] kinds = [] for s in li: if s.isdigit(): bit_pos.append(int(s)) else: if s == 'T': kinds.append(True) else: kinds.append(False) trols = Controls(self.num_qbits) trols.bit_pos_to_kind = dict(zip(bit_pos, kinds)) trols.refresh_lists() return trols
[docs] def evolve_by_controlled_qbit_swap(self, bit1, bit2, controls): """ Evolve each branch of cur_st_vec_dict by controlled bit swap iff the bit swap line is (1) outside of any IF_M block, or (2) it is inside such a block, and it satisfies self.mcase_trols. Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int bit1 and bit2 are the positions of the 2 bits being swapped. controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ assert bit1 != bit2, "swapped bits must be different" for bit in [bit1, bit2]: assert -1 < bit < self.num_qbits assert bit not in controls.bit_pos slicex = [slice(None)]*self.num_qbits num_controls = len(controls.bit_pos_to_kind) for k in range(num_controls): assert isinstance(controls.kinds[k], bool) if controls.kinds[k]: # it's True slicex[controls.bit_pos[k]] = 1 else: # it's False slicex[controls.bit_pos[k]] = 0 slicex = tuple(slicex) # components that are fixed are no longer axes scout = 0 for bit in range(self.num_qbits): if bit == bit1: new1 = scout if bit == bit2: new2 = scout if bit not in controls.bit_pos: scout += 1 # perm = permutation that will use in transpose() perm_len = scout perm = list(range(perm_len)) perm[new1], perm[new2] = perm[new2], perm[new1] # br = branch for br_key in self.cur_st_vec_dict.keys(): if StateVec.is_zero(self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key]): continue evolve_br = False if not self.measured_bits or not self.mcase_trols: evolve_br = True else: br_trols = self.get_controls_from_br_key(br_key) if SEO_simulator.branch_is_part_of_mcase( br_trols, self.mcase_trols): evolve_br = True if evolve_br: sub_arr = self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr[slicex] sub_arr = SEO_simulator.transpose(sub_arr, perm) # can't do array assignments with autograd or tensorflow # eager so achieve same result with other allowed tensor ops if self.use_tf or 'autograd.numpy' in sys.modules: self.do_array_assignment_workaround( br_key, slicex, sub_arr) return self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr[slicex] = sub_arr
[docs] def evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(self, tar_bit_pos, controls, one_qbit_gate): """ Evolve each branch of cur_st_vec_dict by controlled one bit gate ( from class OneQubitGate) iff the controlled one bit gate line is (1) outside of an IF_M block, or (2) it is inside such a block, and it satisfies self.mcase_trols. Note one_qbit_gate is entered as np.ndarray. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int bit position of target of one bit gate. controls : Controls one_qbit_gate : np.ndarray Returns ------- None """ assert -1 < tar_bit_pos < self.num_qbits vec_slicex = [slice(None)]*self.num_qbits num_controls = len(controls.bit_pos_to_kind) for k in range(num_controls): assert isinstance(controls.kinds[k], bool) if controls.kinds[k]: # it's True vec_slicex[controls.bit_pos[k]] = 1 else: # it's False vec_slicex[controls.bit_pos[k]] = 0 vec_slicex = tuple(vec_slicex) # components that are fixed are no longer axes scout = 0 for bit in range(self.num_qbits): if bit == tar_bit_pos: new_tar = scout if bit not in controls.bit_pos: scout += 1 perm_len = scout # example tar = 2 # want to map [2, 0, 1, 3, 4] back to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # this didn't work # use perm 0=>2, 1=>0, 2=>1, 3=>3, 4=>4 # perm = [new_tar] + list(range(new_tar)) # perm += list(range(new_tar+1, perm_len)) # use perm 2=>0, 0=>1, 1=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4 perm = list(range(1, new_tar+1)) + [0] perm += list(range(new_tar+1, perm_len)) # br = branch assert not(self.mcase_trols and not self.measured_bits) for br_key in self.cur_st_vec_dict.keys(): if StateVec.is_zero(self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key]): continue evolve_br = False if not self.measured_bits or not self.mcase_trols: evolve_br = True else: br_trols = self.get_controls_from_br_key(br_key) if SEO_simulator.branch_is_part_of_mcase( br_trols, self.mcase_trols): evolve_br = True if evolve_br: sub_arr = self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr[vec_slicex] # Axes 1 of one_qbit_gate and new_tar of vec are summed over. # Axis 0 of one_qbit_gate goes to the front of all the axes # of new vec. Use transpose() to realign axes. sub_arr = SEO_simulator.tensordot(one_qbit_gate, sub_arr, ([1], [new_tar])) sub_arr = SEO_simulator.transpose(sub_arr, perm) # can't do array assignments with autograd or tensorflow # eager so achieve same result with other allowed tensor ops if self.use_tf or 'autograd.numpy' in sys.modules: self.do_array_assignment_workaround( br_key, vec_slicex, sub_arr) return # original, if autograd is not being used self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr[vec_slicex] = sub_arr
[docs] def do_array_assignment_workaround(self, br_key, slicex, sub_arr): """ Internal function used in evolve_ methods iff autograd is on or use_tf is True. Should have same effect as self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr[slicex] = sub_arr Parameters ---------- br_key : str slicex : tuple sub_arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- None """ test = False arr = self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr if test: # This creates a numpy copy of arr if arr is numpy. # If arr is tf, it converts to numpy then creates a numpy copy arr1_np = np.array(arr) # print('arr1 bef', arr1_np) arr1_np[slicex] = np.array(sub_arr) # print('arr1 aft', arr1_np) on_slicex = np.full(tuple(arr.shape), False) on_slicex[slicex] = True bigger_shape = [1]*self.num_qbits # slicex is num_qbits long k = 0 # print('wwwww', sub_arr.shape, slicex) for bit, kind in enumerate(slicex): if kind not in [0, 1]: bigger_shape[bit] = int(sub_arr.shape[k]) k += 1 one_on_slicex = on_slicex.astype(int) not_one_on_slicex = np.logical_not(on_slicex).astype(int) sub_arr = SEO_simulator.reshape(sub_arr, tuple(bigger_shape)) arr = arr*not_one_on_slicex + sub_arr*one_on_slicex self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr = arr if test: # print('arr aft', arr) print('testing simulator ruse') assert np.linalg.norm(np.array(arr)-arr1_np) < 1e-6, \ 'sim ruse test failed'
[docs] def convert_tensors_to_numpy(self): """ This method is meant to be overridden to replace tensorflow tensors (or some other non-numpy tensor type) by numpy tensors. Returns ------- """ pass
[docs] def convert_tensors_to_tf(self): """ This method is meant to be overridden to replace numpy tensors by tensorflow tensors (or some other non-numpy tensor type). Returns ------- """ pass
[docs] def finalize_next_line(self): """ Prints running documentary at the end of the reading of each line. Returns ------- None """ if self.verbose: print('\n') print(self.split_line) print('line number = ', self.line_count) print('operation = ', self.num_ops) self.describe_st_vec_dict( # print_st_vec=True, show_pp_probs=True)
[docs] def describe_st_vec_dict(self, **kwargs): """ Calls method with same name in class StateVec. It prints a description of the current state vector dictionary. Can call this at the end, after running through whole circuit. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict[] Returns ------- None """ self.convert_tensors_to_numpy() StateVec.describe_st_vec_dict(self.cur_st_vec_dict, **kwargs) self.convert_tensors_to_tf()
[docs] def get_counts(self, num_shots, omit_zero_counts=True, use_bin_labels=True, rand_seed=None): """ This method calculates a probability distribution that we call pd from the current state vector if it is pure. (If the state vec is not pure, it calculates a density matrix from the self.cur_st_vec_dict. Then it extracts the diagonal of that density matrix. That diagonal must be a probability distribution that we call pd.) Then the method samples pd, num_shots times. The method returns the result of that sampling as an OrderedDict state_name_to_counts. Depending on the value of the flag use_bin_labels, the state names are a string '0', '1', '2', etc, or their binary representations followed by 'ZL', because the ZL convention is assumed. Parameters ---------- num_shots : int omit_zero_counts : bool use_bin_labels : bool rand_seed : int Returns ------- OrderedDict[str, int] """ self.convert_tensors_to_numpy() if len(self.cur_st_vec_dict) == 1: # print('..,,mm', 'was here') pd = self.cur_st_vec_dict['pure'].get_pd() else: den_mat = StateVec.get_den_mat(self.num_qbits, self.cur_st_vec_dict) pd = StateVec.get_den_mat_pd(den_mat) # print('....,,,', pd.shape) obs_vec = StateVec.get_observations_vec( self.num_qbits, pd, num_shots, rand_seed) out = StateVec.get_counts_from_obs_vec(self.num_qbits, obs_vec, use_bin_labels, omit_zero_counts) self.convert_tensors_to_tf() return out
[docs] def use_DIAG(self, trols, rad_angles): """ This method should not be called. If called, it explains why it shouldn't be called. Parameters ---------- trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- """ assert False, \ "This class cannot simulate a circuit containing " \ "raw diagonal unitaries DIAG. Work around: use first our" \ "DiagUnitaryExpander class to expand " \ "DIAGs into simpler gates."
[docs] def use_HAD2(self, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for had2. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ gate = OneQubitGate.had2(lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_IF_M_beg(self, controls): """ Do nothing. Parameters ---------- controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def use_IF_M_end(self): """ Do nothing. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def use_MEAS(self, tar_bit_pos, kind): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. For kind 0 (resp., 1) measurements, it applies ``P_0=|0><0|`` ( resp., ``P_1=|1><1|``) to each branch of cur_st_vec_dict. For kind 2 measurements, it first doubles the number of branches in cur_st_vec_dict by adding a deep copy of each branch. Next, it applies P_0 to half of the branches of the dict and P_1 to the other half. Parameters ---------- kind : int tar_bit_pos: int Returns ------- None """ self.convert_tensors_to_numpy() # slicex = slice index slicex = [slice(None)]*self.num_qbits # br = branch if kind in [0, 1]: b = 1 if kind == 0 else 0 for br_key in self.cur_st_vec_dict: st_vec = self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key] if not StateVec.is_zero(st_vec): slicex[tar_bit_pos] = b # set projection |b=0><b=0| to zero for kind=1 st_vec.arr[tuple(slicex)] = 0 tot_prob = st_vec.get_total_prob() if tot_prob < 1e-8: # this didn't work # st_vec.arr = None self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr = None slicex[tar_bit_pos] = slice(None) # self.cur_st_vec_dict[br_key].arr = st_vec.arr elif kind == 2: old_st_vec_dict = cp.deepcopy(self.cur_st_vec_dict) self.cur_st_vec_dict = {} for br_key in old_st_vec_dict.keys(): new_T_key = self.get_br_key_with_new_link(br_key, tar_bit_pos, True) new_F_key = self.get_br_key_with_new_link(br_key, tar_bit_pos, False) # print('new keys=', new_F_key,',', new_T_key) self.cur_st_vec_dict[new_T_key] = \ cp.deepcopy(old_st_vec_dict[br_key]) self.cur_st_vec_dict[new_F_key] = \ cp.deepcopy(old_st_vec_dict[br_key]) for b, new_key in enumerate([new_T_key, new_F_key]): # set projection |b=0><b=0| to zero for T key st_vec = self.cur_st_vec_dict[new_key] # print("b, newkey=" + str(b) + "," + new_key) if not StateVec.is_zero(st_vec): slicex[tar_bit_pos] = b st_vec.arr[tuple(slicex)] = 0 tot_prob = st_vec.get_total_prob() # print('tot_prob=', tot_prob) if tot_prob < 1e-8: # this didn't work # st_vec.arr = None self.cur_st_vec_dict[new_key].arr = None slicex[tar_bit_pos] = slice(None) # print(st_vec) # print(self.cur_st_vec_dict) else: assert False, 'unsupported measurement kind' self.convert_tensors_to_tf()
[docs] def use_MP_Y(self, tar_bit_pos, trols, rad_angles): """ This method should not be called. If called, it explains why it shouldn't be called. Parameters ---------- tar_bit_pos : int trols : Controls rad_angles : list[float] Returns ------- """ assert False, \ "This class cannot simulate a circuit containing " \ "raw multiplexors MP_Y. Work around: use first our" \ "MultiplexorExpander class to expand " \ "MP_Ys into simpler gates."
[docs] def use_NOTA(self, bla_str): """ Do nothing. Parameters ---------- bla_str : str Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def use_PHAS(self, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for PHAS. Parameters ---------- angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ gate = OneQubitGate.phase_fac(angle_rads, lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_P_PH(self, projection_bit, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for P_0 and P_1 phase factors. Parameters ---------- projection_bit : int 0 (resp. 1) for P_0 (resp. P_1) projection angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ fun = { 0: OneQubitGate.P_0_phase_fac, 1: OneQubitGate.P_1_phase_fac } gate = fun[projection_bit](angle_rads, lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_PRINT(self, style, line_num): """ Prints to screen a description of self.cur_st_vec_dict. Parameters ---------- style : str style in which to print line_num : int line number in eng & pic files in which PRINT command appears Returns ------- None """ self.convert_tensors_to_numpy() print("\n*************************beginning PRINT output") print("PRINT line number=" + str(line_num)) st_vecs = self.cur_st_vec_dict StateVec.describe_st_vec_dict(st_vecs, **StateVec.get_style_dict(style)) # must store copy or it will change self.cached_sts[line_num] = cp.deepcopy(st_vecs) print("****************************ending PRINT output") self.convert_tensors_to_tf()
[docs] def use_ROTA(self, axis, angle_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for rot along axes x, y, or z. Parameters ---------- axis : int 1, 2, 3 for x, y, z angle_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ # print('//////', angle_rads, axis) gate = OneQubitGate.rot_ax(angle_rads, axis, lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_ROTN(self, angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for rot along arbitrary axis. Parameters ---------- angle_x_rads : float angle_y_rads : float angle_z_rads : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ gate = OneQubitGate.rot(angle_x_rads, angle_y_rads, angle_z_rads, lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_SIG(self, axis, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for sigx, sigy, sigz. Parameters ---------- axis : int 1, 2, 3 for x, y, z tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ fun = { 1: OneQubitGate.sigx, 2: OneQubitGate.sigy, 3: OneQubitGate.sigz } gate = fun[axis](lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
[docs] def use_SWAP(self, bit1, bit2, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_qbit_swap(). Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ self.evolve_by_controlled_qbit_swap(bit1, bit2, controls)
[docs] def use_SWAY(self, bit1, bit2, controls, rads_list): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() 3 times. This relies on the fact that SWAY(0, 1) = SWAY(1, 0) = X---@ @---U2 X---@ U2 = exp(j*(rads0 + rads1*sig_x)) rads_list = [rads0, rads1] Parameters ---------- bit1 : int bit2 : int controls : Controls rads_list : list[float] Returns ------- None """ controls1 = Controls.copy(controls) controls1.set_control(bit1, True, do_refresh=True) # print('m,m,', bit1, bit2) # print(",m,m", controls1.bit_pos_to_kind) controls2 = Controls.copy(controls) controls2.set_control(bit2, True, do_refresh=True) # print(",m,m", controls2.bit_pos_to_kind) assert len(rads_list) == 2 rads0, rads1 = rads_list self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate( bit2, controls1, OneQubitGate.sigx(lib=self.lib)) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate( bit1, controls2, OneQubitGate.u2(rads0, rads1, 0.0, 0.0, lib=self.lib)) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate( bit2, controls1, OneQubitGate.sigx(lib=self.lib))
[docs] def use_U_2_(self, rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3, tar_bit_pos, controls): """ Overrides the parent class use_ function. Calls evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate() for arbitrary unitary 2-dim matrix. Parameters ---------- rads0 : float rads1 : float rads2 : float rads3 : float tar_bit_pos : int controls : Controls Returns ------- None """ gate = OneQubitGate.u2(rads0, rads1, rads2, rads3, lib=self.lib) self.evolve_by_controlled_one_qbit_gate(tar_bit_pos, controls, gate)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): # use test = 0 if want to run all tests at once. test = 0 # test = 3 if test in [0, 1]: # test on circuit for a quantum fourier transform # (no loops, no internal measurements) sim = SEO_simulator('sim_test1', 6, verbose=True) if test in [0, 2]: # test embedded loops sim = SEO_simulator('sim_test2', 4, verbose=True) if test in [0, 3]: # test MEAS branching. Each kind 2 measurement doubles number of # branches sim = SEO_simulator('sim_test3', 4, verbose=True) main()